Here is some interesting info from the 9 Sims that WM just ran. I think he used your current rosters so if you made a bunch of changes....
As expected we did the worst job of managing our talent. :oops: Guess we should have just figured out what settings Hal uses and let 'er go. 8)
Looks like Shrink did the best job of out managing Hal. +13!
Interesting to see how balanced the Central was in the sims.
Team Ave W Title Proj Diff
2005 Sandlot SDL[4 76.8 2 90 +13 2051
2005 smokee SMK[4] 71.7 0 79 +8 1769
2005 Semper SEM[4] 83.1 4 79 -4 1734
2005 hawkeye HAW[4 82.9 3 76 -7 1519
2005 Niners NIN[4] 80.1 3 84 +3 1720
2005 bigmahon BIG[ 82.8 2 81 -1 1844
2005 Riggo RIG[4 ] 80.8 2 81 -0 1799
2005 Wineman WIN [ 83.0 2 65 -18 2008
2005 Silver SIL[4 90.0 6 91 +1 2012
2005 Jeep JEP[4 ] 81.1 1 89 +8 1800
2005 AT AT[4 ] 81.9 2 83 +1 1703
2005 BIGALRIC BA 77.9 0 74 -4 1652
This post is a thank you to you guys for putting up with my whining for the past couple of weeks. Hopefully it was at least a little entertaining. That was my goal. Gotta do something make it fun when you're stinking this bad!!! :shock: