Gentlmen- We have an official RAT in the tour!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby ArrylT » Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:07 pm

Perhaps in the future the person volunteering as League Co-Ordinator could be assigned this task.

Of course - with AL & NL Only subsets available now in ATG III, maybe SOM will allow AL & NL Only subsets in 200X. That would avoid the problem all together. :)
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My true feelings of a fair punishment

Postby gstanis » Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:13 pm


1) You can't get back 81 games. If lopez effected 10 games it is a tighter race.

2) For cminton to get zero points for this league does nothing to hurt him. He throws out his worst two performances and anybody who plays the game as much as he does is probably pretty good.

3) For using an illegal player for [b:56ceb4a9a5]half[/b:56ceb4a9a5] a season he should have to take a zero as one of his five counted scores. [u:56ceb4a9a5][i:56ceb4a9a5][b:56ceb4a9a5]I assure you that he doesn't make that mistake again if it costs him that much. [/b:56ceb4a9a5][/i:56ceb4a9a5][/u:56ceb4a9a5]

I do not feel that as a newcomer to the tour that is was judged fairly. I am not going to lie about that and based on the responses other feel the same. That image needs to be correct. Almost immediately the comments started about the manager was a stand up guy... Maybe I was wrong for dumping but in a league where the talent is watered down a 3.75 mil player who is hitting .300 and on pace to drive in 100 rbi's is a major infraction.

I have 2 spots where I am using sub 1 million dollar players. If I have grudzeilanek at 2nd base, a lot of one run games are saved and the standings look a lot different then they do now.

again 6 games, no problem. 81 games, the penalty was a little light and as you can see many of the tour players are agreeing with that.

Lets just agree to disagree on this because at this point I will finish the season and move on. I just think that before this tour continues there needs to be a clearer definition of AL/NL leagues or just take them out.

I'm done. Kill this thread.
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Postby Woody5 » Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:39 pm

By the way-

Side note on how this guy screwed up. I had the pleasure of playing his crap team last night. I am in the central he is in the west. I obviously swept his team last night (all $.50 players) and I'm 5 games up in 1st place. The kicker is...the guy who is 5 games back swept his team but he gained no ground on me. There is no telling what would have actually happened but if I was the guy 5 games back from me, I'd be pissed. I could end up winning the division by less than 3 games and it could be gstains fault. [b:51c7f0ded2]That's what you did dude![/b:51c7f0ded2]

gstains has consequently re-constructed his roster and the guy playing him tonight does not have the same advantage as I did last night.

Nice Job!
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Postby Sykes25 » Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:11 pm

[quote:cdace98edf="rgimbel"]In fact, in my NL only league, a manager noticed 60 games into it that he had an AL reliever on his roster. He sent a message to the entire league about it. I advised him to drop the player and move on. Nobody raised a stink.

[color=red:cdace98edf]this is kind of disturbing also[/color:cdace98edf]

doesnt anyone monitor their leagues[/quote:cdace98edf]

Let's put some of the side discussion to bed...

I was this onwer who had the illegal pitcher in Teepak's NL league. It was Mike Myers. He pitched 18 innings and posted a 1-0 record in 60 league games. :roll: In MLB, he pitched 3/4 of the season in the NL and was mistakenly NOT removed from Penn's site. Whenever doing a live draft, I always add multiple players in proxy that carry me well past the end round so that when it comes time to fill my team to join, I refer to Penn's site to fill my roster and look at the guys who would have filled my roster off had the draft gone 26 rounds. I made a mistake. It does happen from time to time when you have 20+ teams active across 3 SOM products and the player in question throws 18 innings in 60 games.

I stepped up, admitted my error, was willing to take any penalty imposed, and told the whole league of the error prior to the ruling by the tour commish. The whole league replied that they felt it was an honest mistake.

18 innings vs 81 games of playing 75% of the time is comparing apples and oranges to a certain extent, but lets take a look at the LARGER ISSUE.

[b:cdace98edf]When one jackass dumps his team before restitution is decided upon, it shows lack of common sense and consideration for 10 other owners in the league AND directly impacts the overall standings of the entire tour.[/b:cdace98edf]

Calling for a ZERO to be counted against the original offender is ludicrous. Asking for that team to be the default eliminated team is reasonable, yet not my call to make or anybody else's for that matter except Tee and the Tour committee.

Dumping your team? You should be booted from the tour period regardless of why you do it. Kriff anyone?

Folks need to get a grip and move on. This issue shoudl have been kept "in-house" within the league. Bad judgement call by posting this publically. Let's all move on and realize why we play the game.

P.S. 7 possible events can be played. You must play a min of 5. Regardless if you play 6 or 7 events, you only get to drop ONE team, NOT two. Play in 5 and you don't get to drop any. Reading comprehension can be your friend sometimes.
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Postby hk mossy » Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:23 pm

That guy 5 games back would be me and because I play this game for a lot more than just wins and losses, I am not that mad. What really upsets me is that this situation has had to go this far. Everyone makes mistakes and they are allowed to be forgiven as long as they do not continue to make the same stupid mistakes. So, lets just have fun along with the true competitive feavor that we are accustomed to in these leagues and look at this as a template on how this game is not supposed to be played.

By the way, if anyone read my post at the beginning of this thread where I mentioned my draft day blunder of drafting two NL players and having to replace them with lesser than equal value. My lesser than, Eddie Guardado, has 27 saves and a 1.41 ERA. That tells how much I know.
hk mossy
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what is the big deal

Postby rgimbel » Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:53 am

checking for illegal players takes about 2-3 minutes per league 8 leagues 20 minutes tops.
check on fa hit all the other leagues teams scroll down if all blue all good fast and easy
and now I hear in at least two leagues there were illegal players being used ridiculous
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Re: what is the big deal

Postby Sykes25 » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:21 am

[quote:490292fffe="rgimbel"]checking for illegal players takes about 2-3 minutes per league 8 leagues 20 minutes tops.
check on fa hit all the other leagues teams scroll down if all blue all good fast and easy
and now I hear in at least two leagues there were illegal players being used ridiculous[/quote:490292fffe]

Glad you figured this all out. :roll:

Maybe next year we can all join the [b:490292fffe]rgimbel tour[/b:490292fffe] with no room for error in any league set-ups and he will be sure to check each team for legal rosters at all times. He'll manage the cordination of multiple events on top of playing "other" SOM teams as well. All of thsi can easily be done by him while concentrating on his real life, paying bills, going to work, interacting with his family etc. Should you violate a rule in his tour, you will be drawn and quartered in the town square, but he will also be on top of everything so that you will be lucky to get illegal players on your team for one series.

I don't know you from a hole in the wall dude, but get off your soap box, drop from the tour if you don't like the ruling and take your tunnel vision some place else. The effort put forth by members of this SOM community to create events like this for all to enjoy get ruined more by attitudes like yours, than they do by illegal players listed on rosters.
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Postby rgimbel » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:37 am

All I am saying is that it is easy to check for illegal players no reason to attack me like that I have never done anything to you or anyone else on this board. I have always treated people with respect. I dont need a personal attack or threats.
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Re: wow

Postby Sykes25 » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:53 am

[quote:0cba4220ee="rgimbel"]All I am saying is that it is easy to check for illegal players no reason to attack me like that I have never done anything to you or anyone else on this board. I have always treated people with respect. I dont need a personal attack or threats.[/quote:0cba4220ee]

Threats? You must be kidding me. I am responding to you directly as my team was the other "illegal team" that you are up in arms about.

As far as treating people with respect, you've shown me none for realizing that a mistake can happen (ie: Mike Myers), and you have shown Teepak none by ranting about how easy his job is to check for illegal rosters.

Don't bring a knife to a gunfight and try to pile on when you are not directly involved. I'm here to stick up for myself to you (as you are the only person who has issues with "another illegal team"), as well as to stick up for the "establishment" which is the SOM tour and it's volunteers who attempt to bring fun to online SOM playing by organizing the tour etc.

Don't sit back and critique folks with sarcasm about how easy their job is or should be.

Mistakes happened. They've been dealt with. All we are doing now is pissing into the wind. Here's hoping Nico will just lock the thread so I can stop responding. :wink:
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Postby rgimbel » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:53 am

I never said it was teepacks job to check the rosters that was said by others and I completly understand that mistakes happen. but there are twelve players in each league and all you need is one dillegent person in each league to check. In our draft there were at least 8 drafting mistakes and 3 or 4 of the other players pointed them out. They actually did the guys who made the mistakes a favor because they were able to quickly replace players.

This became a problem because noone bothered to check gtanis as well as everyone else. And yes it is a problem because if you set up a league make sure the rules are enforced. It is an som sponsored tour and it is being run in a lackadasacal manner with mistakes being made which has caused this mess. And lets stop the personal attacks please which started with someone calling someone a "rat"

and btw I would be more than happy in the future to check for illegal rosters
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