Traditional strat guy asking questions

Traditional strat guy asking questions

Postby ymcasport » Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:04 am

We started our league in 1986 when all of the guys were single and could play for 8 hours every Sunday, 20 years laters we are almost all married and have kids, but are still trying to keep our league afloat. Right now we have our own website, but not every manager can make changes and adjustments to his line-up, they must send an email and have a "game runner" make changes.

I was hoping that this online version might up the invovlement level and lower the actual work of the few who do it.

Any thoughts? I was planning on trying a trail league. Can that be done now, or should we wait until spring?
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Postby Stoney18 » Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:30 am

I believe the 2003 game still has a 21 game free trial if you want to see how it would work.

With SOM you may not have all the flexibility you currently have making line up changes (3 games per night) but it would probably automate a lot of things for you.
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Postby markp65 » Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:51 am

While the potential for divorce looms for any Strat-obsessed married man, it sounds like the TSN online game is an ideal fix for you guys. This is "set it and forget it" style Strat. Come on aboard, you are very welcome here.
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Re: Traditional strat guy asking questions

Postby bleacher_creature » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:59 pm

[quote:05257fcf8c="ymcasport"]We started our league in 1986 when all of the guys were single and could play for 8 hours every Sunday, 20 years laters we are almost all married and have kids, but are still trying to keep our league afloat. Right now we have our own website, but not every manager can make changes and adjustments to his line-up, they must send an email and have a "game runner" make changes.

I was hoping that this online version might up the invovlement level and lower the actual work of the few who do it.

Any thoughts? I was planning on trying a trail league. Can that be done now, or should we wait until spring?[/quote:05257fcf8c]

I've never been in a board game league, but for example, I played two (board) games last weekend using HOF cards, with my 18 year old son. The bastard beat me twice. Once in 13, and once in a come from behind 9th inning win.

You guys should all just fork over $25 and give it a try. We all have our complaints about HAL's decisions, but it still is Strat, and you get to view cards - which are the whole game to me.

You won't know until you try.

The main point of caution is do not expect HAL to make reasonable decisions. Check as many boxes as you can on the cards (avoid LHBs, steal more, don't bunt etc...) to get the players to do what you want. And never, ever let HAL the retard fill out a lineup for you.
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Postby ymcasport » Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:08 pm

LOL! Yeah we use Hal the retard right now too, we play the computer SOM, so it can't be much worse. Do starting pitcher's occasionally start twice in a row like they do in our league? I hate that!
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Postby LMBombers » Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:07 am

I don't have the computor game so I don't know if HAL is worse in this game but I do know that a SP will never start in back to back games. The only exception to this would be if he pitched the last game of your series and then you dropped him and another team picked him up. He then could start the very next game for the other team.

Some of the guys who have the computor game say that it has more setting options than the online game like injury backups and multiple lineup options but I don't know.
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Postby dieselpride » Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:54 am


the SOM computer version is alot the same when Hal makes the decisions only difference is the alternate lineups really which is something that Bernie is working on. It is however a good way to scout a league.

I still prefer a F/F league I had to drop out of mine due to work.

Get this for a F/F league.
29 years now
was 12 teams just dropped to 10
162 game F/F schedule.
Keeper league with an yearly draft in March.
Take summers off and play all year other than holidays.

You should see the record book
And to prove SOM is the best game in the world the guys you expect on the top are on the top

AVG. Tony Gwynn
SB Rickey Henderson
HR Bonds
Wins Clemens think he is over 300 now in our league

It proves how incredible and accurate our boys in Glen Head are.
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Keeping your players

Postby ymcasport » Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:27 pm

I'd like to take our current league and run it here, #1 can that be done? #2 can we expand the rosters because we run a 40-man roster league.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:36 pm

if you run a 200 million salary cap league you can have 40 man rosters and move people back and forth. of course you can't have 40 active.

i think the limit is 27.

i'm in a keeper league and that is how we do it.
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Postby ymcasport » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:33 am

AKIndian, does your league play once a season? It seems that a lot of people on here play multiple teams in multiple seasons, which is not attractive to us traditionalists.
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