Blue Vs Red Party League - Blue Party Congrats

Postby CHARLESBELL » Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:36 pm

Round Ten - volfan Pick
Position: CL
Pick #2: Nathan, Joe volfan
#1: Gonzalez, Mike sjh0825
#6: gordon, tom charliewb
#5: Wagner, Billy ScoobySnacks
#4: Ryan TR
#3: Foulke CATom

Round 11 - Charliewb
Position: rp
Pick #6: looper, braden charliewb
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Postby sjh0825 » Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:09 pm

Round 11 - Charliewb
Position: rp
Pick #6: looper, braden charliewb
#1 Linebrink, Scott sjh0825
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Postby sjh0825 » Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:19 am

I'm a patient guy. But it's been 17 days...we are only less than 1/2 done with our Red draft. We seem to have no idea how many Blue members are ready to go.

Is well over a month close to normal in these situations? (OK, I'm not really patient!).

Penn's exit etc gave us set backs...but I just dont see that much follow thru on some members part. By the way, I think Charlie is putting in a valiant effort in a tuff situation.

We are all spoiled with instant drafts etc....just not sure how long a normal live draft process takes.

In you think this is gonna fly?

Thanks guys.
Last edited by sjh0825 on Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Zimharry » Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:13 pm

I cannot speak on behalf of our other blue friends, but I can tell you that I have been studying the "blue" pool and am able to fill a draft card out. I do not have the time to organize a pre draft draft like you red folks have done. I can only hope that those who committed to doing this league are still committed. Uh, by the way, have you looked over the 2 pools of players? "Blue" pitching seems extremely thin....... So, anyway, whenever you are "reddy" to enter your teams, I will be ready to enter mine.
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Postby sjh0825 » Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:27 pm

Thanks Zim...I'm sure many are still into this...I hope all are.

(Look at our Short stops!!)
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:30 pm

I appreciate your input, zimharry. You and bunbury both seem ready to enter a draft team when the time comes. I've sent PMs to all the blue team and have yet to hear back from novie, durantjerry, or etdefender (although et has been on these boards not too long ago). I'd say blue team will likely do a regular autodraft and I think that once we say we're ready and we set a date to enter teams, they'll show up.

As to your question, sj, on how long a live draft takes, it goes much faster when penn's software is used; but with penn so busy and rarely on the boards it just wasn't feasible. So this format will take more time, and in fact folks have been pretty good about checking in. The thing that makes using penn's software faster is proxies. The program allows you to make lists of future picks that execute automatically so that you don't have to constantly check back in to make a pick.

Here are my thoughts. First, we need a 6th blue team member. Until we have one I suggest we continue with our draft and it will take whatever time it takes.

Once we have a full blue team, and assuming they don't want to do a live draft, then I suggest we end our draft with whatever the current round is and finish with a regular autodraft, but still requiring that we use the players we've picked up in the live draft. That way we can be ready to go pretty quickly once we have a full blue team. Red team could even share rosters pre-autodraft and deconflict picks if we wanted to.

Thoughts from the other red team owners?
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Postby CATom » Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:14 pm

sounds good to me Charlie, the very least we'll draft is 11 rounds, more than likely closer to 20.

BTW - before Penn's site live drafting was VERY long, which is why most of the drafts were only 10-16 rounds then autodraft. I was in a couple of FULL drafts - they would take upward to a MONTH! We are not really doing that bad, but remember we ARE ONLY DRAFTIING half A LEAGUE!
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Postby sjh0825 » Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:22 pm

Well it atleast sounds like we have a plan. Hope we get a 12th man and get rollin!!

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Postby T.Richardson » Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:30 pm

Sounds good to me.
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Postby vol_fan » Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:01 pm

Round 11 - Charliewb
Position: rp
Pick #6: looper, braden charliewb
#1 Linebrink, Scott sjh0825
#2 Shields, Scot volfan
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