Is Hal Retarded?

Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:05 am

I just looked at Lidge and Nathan. They are both on slow hook already. I'm really learning to hate Hal like the rest of you. :wink:
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Postby Mean Dean » Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:17 am

Usage throughout the course of the season doesn't add up, but usage in the last couple of days does matter. If an R1 pitched three innings in Game 1, either he's not going to be brought into Game 2 at all, or if he is, he might already be fatigued and less effective. (This is true in the PC game as well. I'm sure there have been times when you've looked at your bullpen and noticed that a reliever sitting on the bench is already fatigued. This is because he's pitched a lot lately. TSN has just ratcheted up the penalties when that happens.)
Mean Dean
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:06 am

Ahhhhh ... so are you saying the rule that a RP can't pitch on 2 consecutive days is in effect? And if he does come in ... he is already "tired."

Also, what you speak of ... where TSN looks at the "last couple" days sounds like a new parameter. Right?

Thanks again!
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Postby Mean Dean » Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:27 am

You're confusing me :? The PC game uses a pitch count fatigue system. I don't think the board game rule about three consecutive games (and I thought it was three, not two) applies to the PC game; I think it's based on pitch counts. And it's not just the pitch count in the previous game, it's in the last couple (and no, I don't know exactly how many), so that's not a "new parameter", as far as I know.

The TSN game then works the same way that I just described the PC game as working, except that the actual penalties for being fatigued are higher.
Mean Dean
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:11 am

Sorry Dean. In our PC game, we didn't use the pitch count option. We used the (#) option, and then number of hits/runs after their endurance. There was also a rule (PC) that a relief guy needed a day rest after pitching 2 consecutive days.

I think I need tutoring on pitch count then, since I've never used it, and it's relationship to the game here.

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Postby Mean Dean » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:00 am

The exact details of the pitch count system aren't published anywhere, and since your role in this game is a lot closer to the GM than to the on-field manager, I'm not sure you could effectively utilize that information even if you knew it. It probably suffices to say that the two factors governing a reliever's fatigue are his recent usage and his endurance rating.
Mean Dean
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:53 am

Yes, Hal is retarded.

My 2nd baseman (F. Sanchez, 3e8 ... speed = 14) gets HBP and injured.

I would expect Hal to bring in my backup second baseman to run (I had 3 utility guys on the bench that actually play better defense than Sanchez at 2nd base).

Hal brings in A.J. pierzinski (speed = 8) and NO ABILITY at 2nd base!!!! And then he plays second base the rest of the game!!!!!!!!

WTF!!!! :x

How the hell can Hal do that??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Yes, he is...

Postby bleacher_creature » Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:47 am

Jason LaRue is checked "don't steal". Steal is set to "normal". This ain't "normal" in my book for LaRue to try to steal home (see the 2nd inning) with no one out, early in the f-ing game:

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