Derrek Lee in Jacobs?

Derrek Lee in Jacobs?

Postby JdEarly » Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:23 pm

All right, guys. I've got a question for any of you who would like to answer. All year, I have been one of those managers that jumps into Coors and just mashes away. Lately, though, I've been looking for a challenge. That's not to say I've been winning EVERY league I've been in, but watching Travis Hafner launch 50 homers every time out just doesn't feel like it's worth my hard earned money anymore. I'd like to try something different. So... onto Jacobs Field I move.

I've got a Minute Maid, a Petco, and a Turner in my division. Here's the link to my team:

Now, the question... is Derrek Lee worth the $13 million price tag, or should I see what I can do about splitting that money up between a couple of players? I've got Alfonso Soriano to DH, and I know that might turn around to bite me, but I think his speed once he gets on the bases will benefit me in a pitching park. Cory Sullivan is starting in center to save some money (the more expensive options remaining aren't exactly awe inspiring), Jason Kendall is catching so I don't have to have two solid catchers (and his OBP is .345, which I like), and I think having Wagner and Heilman will make up for having an otherwise less than imposing bullpen.

So... Lee? Should I hang onto him, or do you guys think the money would be spent better elsewhere?
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Postby Rant » Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:56 pm

Don't have any examples offhand, but usually you want an anchor at a pitcher's park. I've seen others say that D. Lee rarely underperforms. Soriano has enough natural HRs that he can be a value in a pitcher's park.

You might be overspending on your pitching staff. I like Willis and despite his +9 Patterson usually pitches well (but not necessarily lights out). Myers and Lowry I'm less crazy about. Wagner and Heilman are both excellent and would make up for a less than stellar bullpen -- but your park is already doing that job. I'm not sure you'll get either's full value.

If you're looking for money I'd start with downgrading one or two starters to Vazquez (lots of lefties on that Turner team) or Radke (w/MM you may see more R handed batters, so keep that in mind) and/or explore a trade in the bullpen -- plenty of closers and someone like Ohman can get the same sort of numbers as Heilman will.

The upgrade you need is in the OF. Platooning Sullivan and Logan in Center might be servicable, but weak. If Cabrera plays third, that leaves you with Michaels in left (usually underperforms in pitcher's parks) and ? in Right. Is Winn available?
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Postby geekor » Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:14 pm

Lee in Jacobs:

Lee in Petco:
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Postby visick » Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:30 pm

1B is a fairly deep position in this set of cards. I've only seen great things from Lee in neutral to hitting parks. Alot of guys can probably produce the same #'s that you'll get from Lee in Jacobs...for alot less.

You've essentially got 2 picthing parks, a neutral park and a RH hitting park. It also appears as though you're going to face 4 LHSP's, and about 7-8 RHSP's.

I think you should dump him and re-distribute the money elsewhere.
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