Blind Auction League - Play Ball!

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Who is up for this challenge!?

Postby gmac94 » Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:51 am

I call on you MVPs and AllStars to be our final member of this illustrious group of SOM80s players who want to try the blind auction concept.

We just need one more to get started!! JOIN US! JOIN US!!

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just checking in

Postby roofinghorse » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:44 am

ready and waiting....just 1 more manager needed........come on and step up to the plate lucky..........
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Postby jsam9801 » Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:13 pm

(1) canauscot - fenway
(2) sogcomando - Arlington
(3) bjs73 - Cleveland
(4) crossingroads-kingdome
(5) Toisan - Wrigley
(6) Yellow_Dog - Royals
(7) Icemen - Riverfront
( 8 ) Hakmusic - Anaheim
( 9 ) Seanreflex - Fulton County Stadium
(10) Gmac94 - Shea
(11) Rigged Splits - Oakland (if that's a stadium)
(12) jsamia - Olympic

We're full! :D
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Nitty Gritty

Postby canauscot » Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:58 pm

Alright almost time to get out your chequebooks owners...but before that some housekeeping.

1st Command neatly suggested we get some alternates on our sign-up list, but I think we can proceed as if we are all here and if we need replacements we can deal with that if necessary.

Earlier Hakmusic had suggested we could possibly breakdown the bidding into two blocks. I think it is a very good idea, but the league has been building for more than 5 months, so if there are no violent objections I'm gonna suggest we go for a full list of 40 players in the opening round. We are probably going to need a couple of iterations until everyone has their 40 anyway, so let's not go any slower than required.

With that in mind, the assistant commish (Gmac94) and I are going to exchange lists in the next 20 minutes (probably already have by the time you read this). So provided everyone is clear on the rules we can begin to take bid lists whenever you are ready. It won't matter when, because all bids will only be revealed once everyones lists are in (remember Gmac94's and mine are locked away with each other already), but again to keep the process moving, I'd suggest we work to a Thursday 29/9 deadline.

You'll recall that the minimum bid is 80% of a players TSN salary. There will be no maximum bid, but you will need to keep enough money to bid for other players to fill out a 40 man roster.

I'm going to say that the minimum increment in a bid be $1000. That is, for a $750K player the minimum bid is $600K and the next highest bid should be $601K (not $600K and 23 cents). Tied bids will be awarded to the player who after all other bids have been determined has spent the least on players so far (still has the most to spend). Read the opening posts for what is an invalid bid.

I will provide you each with a Personal Message with my e-mail address and Gmac's if he's Ok with it. You can send your bid lists in any format you like (to the e-mail and/or as a personal message), so long as it has a clear player name (not "Davis") and the amount for each of 40 players and the sum of which is not greater than $128M. I'll prefer an 'excel' list, but anything I can read is fine.

I suggest division assignments be based on say the East being those who spent the most in the first round of bidding, Central 5th through 8th in amount spent and West the least. Is that fair or was everyone planning on using the list as it appears? Once everyone has their team we can create the league and fill out a draft including 25 of the 40 players you won.

Question: After each round should I post everyone's bids or just the winners and amounts? I can post all bids after all is said and done if everyone is interested but want to keep some commercial secrets while the bid process operates.

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Postby Hakmusic » Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:40 pm

Hey Canauscot, I have a questions about your numbers.

The average salary for a player on a TSN team is 3.3 million ($80/24). If you bid exactly salary for 40 players that is 133 million. If you bid at the minimum of 80%, that is still $106 million. That leave basically no room for play. Seems to me that either everyone will be tied, or one person will bid 1 increment over the mimimum and get 30 players while everyone else misses out.
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Postby Hakmusic » Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:52 pm

>>>Bid 'ties' would be awarded to the team with the least amount of notional bid dollars spent on players it has won outright i.e. to the team with the most still to spend. <<<

I think if you keep the tight budget constraint, which allows small flexibility in bids, you will have a great number of ties. This raises some very key issues:

One, how do you determine what order the ties are broken in. for example, I have won 6 players and Manager BJ has won 5. There are 15 tied players. Lets say BJ gets the first, then what? Now we each have 5, does he continue to get the guy over me? If we are now tied, then order matters, how do you decide if the tie for Yount is broken first or the tie for bob Melvin?

or does BJ now have 5 players and we are tied? Then what??
What if there are 6 guys who are tied? How then? and what if your outright wins are all .75 cent guys, and you tied for Yount, Schmidt, Brett, and Clemens. Do you lose all those guys because you won a bunch of 75 cent guys?

in the new post, you say:

Tied bids will be awarded to the player who after all other bids have been determined has spent the least on players so far (still has the most to spend).

This is different than the original post. Even so, again, how is the order to be determined of breaking ties. This could be a very key factor.
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Postby canauscot » Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:02 pm

Hey Hakmusic,

I've started where you did. I actually worked from the 25 players that TSN asks for in the initial draft at $80M, which works out at $3.2M each. So $3.2M times 40 is the $128M. [BTW I plan on using the $200M team cap league configuration (I believe there is such a thing), which means we'll all have plenty of room to work with (sending players up and down from your active roster and making trades etc...).]
So your 40 players could have the character of your typical team, some superstars mixed in with some value scrubs or throw in a few more middle of the roaders. Up to you to decide whether to bid at above, below or at face value. There will be as diverse a selection as the typical draft (except this time we'll get to see how many people bid for the same guys). When they do, highest bid gets him, and the loser still has that amount of money to find a replacement in the next bid round. Let me know if I still haven't got what you mean.
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Postby canauscot » Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:41 pm

Hey Hakmusic,

I'm behind in the posts. The last one was for your first one today.

This next one has a very good point. I still think there will be much much less tying than you think, but we do need to sort out the tie process. My thinking is this. Once every player is assigned that doesn't have a tie for the highest bid. Let's say there are 15 players where two or more teams tied for the highest bid. Some teams may have ties for only one other player and some teams may have ties for 2 or more players. I will first determine who wins the player with the highest bid value (not necessarily the highest TSN salary, but the player of those 15 example players where the tied bid is the highest). I will ignore each teams other tied bids (e.g. assume for this purpose that they all will lose those others) and only base the tiebreak on actual bid dollars spent and confirmed so far. Once that player is assigned I will look at the next highest bidded tie. Then assign him the same way, but now counting the bid dollars against the team that won the first tiebreak if they are involved again (they are much less likely to win again if they just won a big dollar player).
Having won a lot of 750K guys won't have hurt your chances in the tiebreaks (unless you have bid $10M each for them!). Because even if you have already won 35 players for $110M but have a $10M tiebreak to be decided you will still win that even against a guy who has only 30 players but has already spent $111M, because he has spent more. Which I think is fair because he has already won a lot of stars (to have spent so much on so few), whereas you have only filled up your team with substitutes thus far. But once you win that tiebreak, you are less likely to win the next etc...until other teams have spent more than you.
When bid ties exist for more than one player on the same amount (most likely to happen at $600K but whereever) I will detemine the placement of the first player alphabetically (by surname). Maybe not perfect but it is a one size fits all solution (all the more reason not to get in a tie for someone you really want, so bid up!).
Keep them coming so we can clear things up for everyone.
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Back to needing one more

Postby Yellow_Dog » Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:25 pm

(1) canauscot - fenway
(2) sogcomando - Arlington
(3) bjs73 - Cleveland
(4) crossingroads-kingdome
(5) Toisan - Wrigley
(6) Yellow_Dog - Royals
(7) Hakmusic - Anaheim
( 8 ) Seanreflex - Fulton County Stadium
( 9 ) Gmac94 - Shea
(10) Rigged Splits - Oakland (if that's a stadium)
(11) jsamia - Olympic

Icemen passed on joining this league, so we still need one more! His stadium was Riverfront, so I guess it is now available if anyone wants it.
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Final spot left

Postby canauscot » Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:31 pm

One needed to drop out, so one more chance. Join or get a friend to.

(1) canauscot - fenway
(2) sogcomando - Arlington
(3) bjs73 - Cleveland
(4) crossingroads-kingdome
(5) Toisan - Wrigley
(6) Yellow_Dog - Royals
(7) Hakmusic - Anaheim
( 8 ) Seanreflex - Fulton County Stadium
( 9 ) Gmac94 - Shea
(10) Rigged Splits - Oakland (if that's a stadium)
(11) jsamia - Olympic

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