Hot vs. Cold Players

Hot vs. Cold Players

Postby AggieSPMT05 » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:34 pm

[color=darkred:a88bdbd817]In Strat-O-Matic is it better to set your line-up based strictly on the cards? Or if you have a player that has been "hot" but whose card is not as good as another player whos has been "cold", would it be beneficial to play the "hot" player? Thanks.[/color:a88bdbd817]
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Postby Mean Dean » Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:20 pm

Nope, there's no such thing as "hot" and "cold" when you're dealing with cards.
Mean Dean
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Postby AggieSPMT05 » Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:34 pm

[color=darkred:432bc30159]so always play Podsednik over Matt Diaz/ Willy Mo Pena?[/color:432bc30159]
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Postby JdEarly » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:22 pm

Hot and cold is based on match ups and luck. Over the course of a pull season, a player should post numbers similar to that on their card, taking into consideration the park that you chose to play in.

If you're playing in PNC, with three Minute Maid's in your division, and all right handed starters on your opponent's staffs, Ryan Howard will have a heck of a year despite his 9R balance. He'll be "hot" all season. Like I said, match ups.

Luck plays into hot streaks, but it's not like the card is seeing the ball better or anything. It's simply the roll of the dice. How does the saying go? The sun even shines on a dog's butt every once in a while?
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Postby durantjerry » Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:21 pm

It is a game of percentages, but I don't see anything wrong with riding the "hot" hand.
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Postby JdEarly » Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:59 am

No, there's no problem at all. I would never try to tell someone what to do with their own strat team, I just feel that the law of averages heavily outweighs the likelihood that the dice will remain "hot" for a lesser player.
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Postby JEFFFESPERMAN » Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:55 am

It's sometimes difficult to stick with a player who is underperforming, but I believe that patience is usually the best policy. For example, on my most recent team Andy Pettitte started the season 3-7, but he finished the season 20-11. If you do find yourself in a situation where you can't bear to see a player walking into the clubhouse, then by all means try to trade him rather than release him and suffer the salary penalty.
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There are some players that perform very well...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:22 pm

in what seems like most leagues and others who don't. Just a couple examples - but there are hundreds. I have seen Cliff Floyd outperform other LF's (Even those more than twice his salary) in most parks this year. Same deal with A Ramirez(high injury roll and all) outperfroming 3B considerably higher in salary.

I have also seen very expensive players grossly underperform as well. A couple of examples would be Helton and Burrell (Just off the top of my head.)
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Postby geekor » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:57 am

Burrell has been very good to me this year.... :?

Anyways what both people say is correct. Over time a player should hit what is expected of him in his park with his card. [b:5e6da0170c]Luck is a huge factor though.[/b:5e6da0170c] Sometimes a player just gets bad rolls, a lot of them, and there is nothing you can do.

On the other had, I have had 2 team recently start abysmal, one started 3-15, the other 1-8 to 12-21. Both are leading their divisions now. The cards should correct themselves, you can have bad luck for an entire season, but you could also have good luck!
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all in the cards

Postby rgimbel » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:01 am

you cant make emotional decisions for example I have pete orr on the bench everytime hal puts him in he gets a hit currently hitting .579 does that mean I should start him over a better player who is underperforming of course not but it is tempting lol
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