Is my least favorite as well. But i wanted to experiment with some different formats this year. I actually think some of the LOTO regulars dropped out this year because of it.
As the LOTO Invitational continues to grow and evolve, I will continue to experimant with different formats. But I think I will do away with it next year.
Initially, LOTO was intended to combine simple AD formats with great competition. The time consumption of LIVE DRAFTS and complex Themes kind of eliminated me from a lot of play due to the huge time committment they required. And we played primarily with a small core group of players from the past 4+ yrs. But now that it has grown in to a 3 round elimination Tour this year - With the likelihood of even more players next year, I am considering accomodating more of what others want. So I am definitely open to other suggestions for the simple formats.
BTW, I really miss the JaserD Tour as well. But change is Life, I guess.
:wink: :D Robert