by KENNETHSMALLWOOD » Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:22 am
Any Teams that want to do a 40 game preseason tournament, Let me know....
What is a preseason Tournament.
I have ran private league for 20 some year in strats...... At the start of the 2006 season I had a 32 team preseson tournament on here.. you can serch the archives for the results...
If I get at least four teams from this league, I will set up a small league and run it.. The number of games is up to you....
You will see all the boxscores and have full imput n your team...
We have a new website and it don;t have the computer manager installed yet... so you may send me a paper mgr ( you can download that from the website) or if you have the game, export me your cm (computer manager)...
Since we draft tonight, we will start putting the teams together this weekend and will start the first night the wavior list is completed.... We go three night and play 10-12 games a nite..
So If your want to expand the season and get a general ideal on how your team will play, sign up here...