by honestiago1 » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:59 pm
well, we can surely discuss that. I mean, with the mystery card, the same franchises can be radically different each year with NO roster changes. I think the rookie draft should be straight, as any normal draft would. I think, though, that after round #1, that round #2 should be in order of finish. Meaning if I had the worst record, but lost pick #1 in a lotto, I'd get my slot back in round #3.
As for league parity, we can talk about doing something with the draft from round #3 on. We could have all subsequent rounds after #2 be a different order, based on an all-in lotto. This would mean that round #1 is as per rules. Round #2 is "as finished" by record. Round #3 would be random, with every other round after that running serpentine.
Wwe can always figure this out as we go, however. I have no problem with a regular draft going, since we're all going to have up and down years, I assume.