80s: 100 Million League

80s: 100 Million League

Postby bernieh » Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:50 pm

We're sorry for the delay in the response to the issues involving this league. I'm not entirely sure what happened with the two dead teams in the East, but I apologize for it and will work with you to come to a satisfactory resolution to the situation.

We CAN reset the league to a pre-draft state, have two new owners join, and rerun the draft, if that's what desired. Or, we could assign the two teams to other owners who are willing to take the reins, acknowledging that there would be a bit of a disadvantage at not having taken part in the waivers period.

Please weigh in with your opinions on what to do and hopefully there'll be a consensus. And then I'll be sure to take whatever steps are necessary to resolve this.

Bernie H.
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:21 pm

I am happy with either solution proposed by you Bernie, and thanks for getting to this, I know you are busy. I would prefer not to re-run the draft if we can get two people to take over those teams. If we can not get volunteers to take over the teams, since it is post-waivers, I would have no problem re-drafting these teams.
The Turtle
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:37 pm

Bernie, I also have another problem. I sent you a PM. I hope you can help me out.
The Turtle
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Postby Panzer ace » Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:41 pm

I would hope we can just assign the teams to another manager. 'hasbeens 60' isnt aware of the league, but he must have set up the team at some point. Perhaps he is still interested in running the team. I have no problem if Turtle runs both teams. As long as trades are not made between the teams, I dont think it would be a problem for the league. I know of at least 1 person who would take over a team, if needed. How would we go about it. Should they post here so you know they would take over the team?
Panzer ace
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Postby FletchGriswold » Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:59 pm

Nobody is going to want to take over a team post waivers, in which they had nothing to do with from the beginning. The waiver pool is totally drained. Personally, Bernie, I'd rather just wipe this league out, assign each member a credit back and we can all move on and use the credit any way we want.

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Postby N Texas Widowmakers » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:22 pm

I prefer starting this league over with the 100 million salary and adding two new teams. Would there be any interest in doing a frenzy so we could start by Monday? :cry:

Big Ric
N Texas Widowmakers
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Postby Panzer ace » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:26 pm

I know 1 person who is willing to take over one of the existing teams. He will post here when he gets home tonight. I assume Bernieh would not charge the people taking over the teams, as they are helping TSN and us out by taking over these teams. I have a message out to 2 more people. I think 1 of them would do it also.
Panzer ace
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:54 pm

I am happy with either solution as well.
PJ Axelsson
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Postby hechojazz » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:17 pm

I'm for either solution, though I guess I lean more toward not redrafting...but I have no ready owner poised to leap in and take over a team. While not participating in waivers may be a disadvantage, it may not since with the mystery card and all the new guys may wind up filling out their teams with guys who outperform guys we've snatched up in the last three days...who knows? But if we must redraft, great! I just want to play my first 100M league...let's go!
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Postby Qb Killer » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:19 pm

I would be happy to manage one of the teams as long as I'm not charged a credit since waivers have already run and the free agent pool is probably really thin. If this is acceptable to bernie then I would like to manage snake mountain if I have a choice. Qb Killer
Qb Killer
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