80s: 100 Million League

Postby hechojazz » Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:11 am

It sure appears to me that we have a proper consensus to proceed without a redraft.
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Postby hechojazz » Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:25 am

Hmm...I just offered the Skeletors a trade...hope that message will survive the team's conversion over to a new owner (assuming that's what's going to happen!).
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Postby FletchGriswold » Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:16 am


6 YES procede
2 NO
1 didn't think we would get mgrs
1 undecided

Bottom line, the league is tainted - SCAB managers (no offense, guys), but these two teams are at a big disadvantage missing waivers. They didn't pay for the team, so they won't be as committed if their team tanks early on. Everything is wrong - wipe out the league, Bernie and everyone can use their credit over, however they choose.
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Postby Panzer ace » Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:42 am

Silew just sent a message in league mail. He wants to play ball.

View Message
To: | Las Vegas High Rollers |
From: Central Coast Surfers

Subject: Re: Play ball?
Date: Saturday 10/07/2006 09:21 AM

play ball!!!!


7 YES procede 8)
2 NO
1 didn't think we would get mgrs
0 undecided

7 of 10 want to procede with the league. Come on Ntex and Toi San, lets PLAY BALL :D

BTW Fletch, I can vouch for both of these managers. I have played in leagues with them before. They dont give up. They accepted these teams because they like a challenge. They will not 'bail' on there teams and they will give PJ and Ntex a great race in the east.
Panzer ace
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Postby warlordss » Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:52 am

I dont give up if my team goes in the tank. I battle to the end. The great thing about the 80's, is that you never know what card you will get. Anything can happen. I want to play. I have made the playoffs with my last 5 teams. This sounds like a fun challenge. I hope the league agrees and QB and I can join you.

PS. I usually only play 1 team at a time, so its not like I give up on a bad team and abandon them after 40 games.
Last edited by warlordss on Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby The Turtle » Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:53 am

Heck, i am one of the guys who scooped up a lot of guys post waivers, if they need an extra guy I may help the two teams out, I really have no use for George Bell. unless its the 47 HR season :) same goes for Doug DeCineces
The Turtle
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Postby Panzer ace » Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:56 am

Way to go Turtle....Don't stop believin' 8)
Panzer ace
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Postby Panzer ace » Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:11 am

To: All
From: N Texas Head Bangers

Subject: Re: Play ball?
Date: Saturday 10/07/2006 10:58 AM

I dont really care. I dont think the disabled teams are on equal footing
with the rest of us. Also what if I finish behind one of them? lol

Big Ric

Looks like NTex is up for the challenge 8)


8 YES procede
1 NO
1 didn't think we would get mgrs (Toi San)
0 undecided
Panzer ace
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Postby bernieh » Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:36 am

It looks like we have enough of a consensus to conclude that we should proceed with the league and start on Monday.

If the 1 (or more?) dissenter(s) is unhappy with this decision, then I'd be happy to transfer ownership of his team to someone else and award him a credit to play elsewhere.

I'm out with the family today but I should be able to make the "scab" owner transfers tonight. If someone could spell out for me exactly which teams should be transferred to which new member names, I'd appreciate it.

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Postby Panzer ace » Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:21 pm

Great! :D Thanks Bernieh.

Qb Killer gets 'Snake Mountain Skeletors'

warlordss gets 'ny hasbeens'

Have a great day with the family...
Panzer ace
Posts: 55
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