Honestiago, I think we should have a restatement of the rules for the decade before we get too far into this season. Below are the rules from the first decade league modified somewhat by what I can remember you wanting for our league. Please review the rules and make whatever changes are to be made and repost them so that we won't be surprised later on. Some of the key areas I think are protected players at the end of each season (do we get all we want like the below rules state?), stadiums (do we keep the same one all decade with the option to change once as written below?) & draft order of Rookies and other Free Agents at the beginning of each year. Do the makeup of divisions change from year to year or stay the same to create rivalries?
1. INCEPTION DRAFT - A 25 – round live snake draft will be held. Evening Pick 3 state lotto results will be used to determine draft order (lowest result to highest result). Prior to the player draft a Stadium Draft will be held in the Forum thread in reverse order of the player draft. The player Draft will take place on Penn’s draft site and consist of 25 player picks.
a) PLAYER ELIGIBILITY - All players who’s first year on their card is 1981 or earlier will be eligible for this draft. All players priced at $0.75 million (this salary only – not 0.78, for example) – will also be eligible. You may retain up to two 0.75 hitters and two 0.75 pitchers for the next year if you so choose. Any remaining 0.75 players will be back in the Free Agent pool for 1982.
c) WAIVER DRAFT – No waiver claims to be made. Free agent frenzy will occur once waiver period passes. Again, only 1981 eligible and 0.75 players can be picked up.
d) ROSTERS – As per TSN requirements and again, only using eligible players ($80 mil salary cap, 23-28 players)
e) BALLPARKS – Exclusive ballparks to be picked as part of inception draft.
f) DIVISIONS – To be determined by Pick 3/draft order: East (1,4,7, 10); Central (2, 5, 8, 11); West 3, 6, 9, 12).
2. SEASON 1 (1981) - The season will be played as a regular Back to the 80s season.
a) TRANSACTIONS – All trades and waivers will be allowed as per TSN rules, as long as they involve eligible players (cards start in or before 1981 or salary of $0.75). Owners can trade draft picks to other players as part of transaction, however, players should change hands in any trade, even if a $0.75 scrub is picked up for this purpose. Any player eligible for 1981 or with a salary of $0.75 not on a team is considered a free agent and can be picked up by anyone.
b) TRADES – Trades involving draft picks made during the season must also involve players being exchanged on both sides of the trade.
c) All other TSN rules apply to the season (ie., transaction deadline, salary penalty for add/drops)
a) KEEPERS/RESERVED PLAYERS - All players on a team’s roster at the end of the 1981 season will remain the property of that team during the off – season. Two exceptions: 1) players with a $0.75 salary over the limit of 2 hitters and 2 pitchers; 2) ‘Retired’ players (see below)
b) RETIREMENTS - After the 1981 season, all players who no longer have a year on their card past 1981 will be considered retired and no longer eligible for any future seasons. The only exception to this are players with a $0.75 salary, who are eligible every season.
c) FREE AGENTS – All 1981-eligible players not on a roster at the end of the ’81 season will be considered free agents going into the 1982 season. Players with a $0.75 million salary, not already on a roster, will also be considered free agents.
a) ELIGIBILITY - Only players who’s first year on their card is 1982 will be eligible for the entry draft. These players will be considered ‘rookies’ and only rookies will be picked in the entry draft.
b) DRAFT ORDER – Will be determined by 1981 finish. Non – playoff teams will be ranked from worst record to best. The two first round losers will be ranked from worst record to best. The championship losing team will be ranked 11th and the champion, 12th.
*Addendum: for the first round, the order of the top 4 picks (bottom 4 teams from 81) will have a Pick 3 lottery draw (lo to hi) to determine their draft order).
c) DRAFT TYPE – Entry draft will NOT be a snake draft. Draft order will be 1 –12, 1-12, 1-12, etc.
d) DRAFT LENGTH – Draft will continue until all 1982 rookies are picked, or no owners wish to continue picking. An owner can ‘pass’ their picks, once they are no longer interested in picking ‘rookies’
5. 1982 ROSTERS – There will NOT be a minimum or maximum number of ‘keepers’ to be kept. Declaring keepers will not be required.
a) PLAYER RIGHTS – Teams will retain the rights to all eligible players until the 1982 autodraft is run. This will include eligible players that were on their roster at the end of 1981 (excluding 0.75ers and retirements) and players obtained in the entry draft.
b) FREE AGENTS – Teams will only continue to retain the rights of above players by placing them on their roster. All eligible players from 1981 and 1982 rookies, not placed on an owner’s autodraft roster will become unrestricted free agents. All 1982 rookies not drafted in the entry draft will be considered free agents. All 1981 players not on a roster at the end of the ’81 season will be considered free agents. All non-rostered $0.75 million players will be considered free agents.
c) AUTODRAFT - Owners will submit autodraft cards comprised of eligible players remaining from 1981, entry draft rookies drafted, and free agents, as defined above.
d) MORE FREE AGENTS - After the autodraft, any eligible players not on a roster will be considered a free agent. Free agents can be claimed in the waiver draft, in the preseason or any time in the coming season.
∑ So, this means, a team can protect players during the off-season, but can only protect as many players as they can keep on their roster in the pre-season and during the season.
6. SUBSEQUENT SEASONS – Rules 2 thru 5 will be followed for every year of the 1980s through 1990.
7. BALLPARKS – Teams will keep the ballparks picked in the inception draft through the entire 10 seasons. Ballparks must be exclusive. A team may replace (“blowup”) their ballpark once over the 10 seasons. This decision will be made during the off-season, prior to the entry draft. Teams wishing to replace their parks must declare this intention prior to the entry draft. A new stadium amongst those not already claimed can be picked in any round of the entry draft.
Ballparks cannot be traded. Two teams wanting each other’s parks, will both have to declare their ballpark ‘blown-up’ prior to the entry draft and hope to obtain each other’s ballpark through the entry draft.