by ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:17 pm
Pitch, hit, run or field...Torre has done his job well and deserves to retire with the dignity he has always carried himself with.
I will always root against a team that spends 4 times the amount of money as the lowest payroll (Probably the A's) in the leaguye does - Including the Red Sox.
Likely, Piniella or someone else will be managing the Yankees next year. To know who will be there in some of the failures place, all you have to do is look at the list of Free Agents and choose thehighest priced athletes.
When is George going to realise that the dynasty they built in the 90's was a result of building a great team from within. That core won them 4 titles and a ton of Divisions the past 15-17 yrs. There are great Yankee Farm System players all over the League now.
I sincerely believ that to get well and build something decent, you have to experience some growing pains and be patient. New York fans will tolerate a few losing seasons to build a great team again. And BTW, George...New York actually does have a winner at least for right now.
Stop apologising for your expensive players performances. They are human and the pressure doesn't really translate into better performances and wins. Stop publically humiliating your players and class manager and invest into your system and occasionally ad a player to accent your needs. A roster fullof older veterens who have seen their best days and are spoiled by the wealth they have gained and likely not as hungry doesn't guarantee a championship.
Stop driving up the price of players salaries, so that mediocre players become Corporations unto themselves. you are ruining our National Pastime.
It is time baseball gets a Cap(Say 100M) and a floor(50M). Or we can just continue to root against the big money teams like the New Yorks, Los Angeles', and Bostons forever.