by B.o.b.b.y... » Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:37 pm
Saturday night--Foundation Room-Mandalay Bay (I need first/last names)
The following is an update for attendees....
1. Bobby/Boni ---Hosts
2. penngray/Lori -- OK
3. Paul/Joni (guests of penngray)-- OK
4. Adrian -- OK
5. Rob55 -- OK
6. T.Richardson - OK
7. Chief Wahoo -- OK
8. Munich_Man - OK
9. Pat/Susan (guests of Munich_Man) --OK
10.AceVentura (Paul & Christina) - OK
11.Frannyzoo -- OK
12.Rube - OK
13.Angels Among Us Chrissy, Johnna, & Shell-- Need your last names
[b:bab870244b]Sorry to hear that genegrid and CATom can't make the festivities...we'll miss you...Bobby[/b:bab870244b]
Friday Poker
1. Bobby -- scotch, vodka, beer
2. penngray --Crown
3. Rob -- scotch,beer
4. T. Richardson - Vodka/Grey Goose, Stoli, or Skyy.
5. Munich_Man..... BEER (what kind?????)
6. Adrian (gin, vodka, triple sec, clear rum, sour mix, splash of coke aka long island iced tea...or whatever ya got)
7. Frannyzoo -- Crown by historical precedent, anything but watery American beer and cleaning products by choice. I'm especially fond of Old Rasputin Imperial Stout (although it causes actual hallucinations it's so strong) and Stone Vertical Epic, especially last years ('04). Still, a simple Full Sail Amber or Rogue Dead Guy Ale will suffice.
8. Paul Freix (We have friends from Florida joining us in Vegas, Paul would love to join us for some poker. If its cool with you guys)
9. Rube - Becks is kind of a tradition. I love single malt Scotch, but I'll never last until bowling at 5am if I drink hard stuff
10.ACEVENTURA--I think he likes Crown...