by Jablowmi » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:02 pm
E=1,6,7,12; C=2,5,8,11; W=3,4,9,10.
1. Jablowmi
6. Rutkap
7. YountFan
12. Rooks
2. Cubs48
5. AdamKatz
8. mrmdoetkott
11. UglyJerry
3. Sykes
4. jsamia
9. Noahx
10. Seanreflex
Since there have been a couple of picks in the 7th, I think we should wait until the end of rd 8. I still think we'll end up starting a week from Monday (whether we stop at 6 or 8). If we continue the draft thru 16, we may be looking at Christmas. Let's go 8 and with the original divisions as set above (I had put this order in the instructions pre-lottery; plus, I think this is the way it should go - serpentine like the draft).