by Jeepdriver » Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:44 am
Did I say anything about "reading". :wink:
Quickly, and I know off topic, I was a wizard in school doing a book report without reading the book. Here's how:
Take some excerps from the flap on the side of the book. Throw in a tid bit about the author, also on the flap. Open the book to the middle and use what appears to be a good quote from the book. Use good connecting words, such as "In addition to", "Furthermore", etc. Lastly, write as neatly as you can. Good legible penmanship can turn a 'C' into a 'B' easily. So there you go, Jeep's theory on doing book reports w/o reading the book. :lol:
P.S. Don't tell your kids this. :wink: