by NFLed1 » Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:36 pm
[quote:49165369cf="devilrage"]In addition, Strato, isnt the most skilled game around, not like chess, chess by far is the most skilled game around, yesa it has tiny little bit luck. when your opposition makes bad move.. Yes i do agree you need more games under your belt, but I am convince strato is more luck then skilled.[/quote:49165369cf]
Strat baseball is sort of a read-it-and-weep-or-jump-for-joy game, there is some strategy but it's not like chess at all. Over the short term luck can play a big role but over the long term the luck will approximately even out. The key words to that, though, are long term and approximately. If someone has played in 5 leagues and has a losing record overall then that is likely (not certainly) due to skill or the strategies they are using or not using, that's a long enough time for the luck to balance out approximately in my view.
If you want a more chess-like game try the Strat-O-Matic CD-ROM football game and play head-to-head online (there are many leagues). There is still a good amount of luck involved but on every single play your playcalling matters as you try to outguess your opponent's strategies and strategy makes a huge difference.