2003 Team - What Do You Think?

2003 Team - What Do You Think?

Postby BucsDucs99 » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:16 pm


I have a few platoons that I am using that you should probably be aware of...

AJ Pierzinski and Vance Wilson
Travis Hafner and JT Snow
Dave Berg and Michael Cuddyer
JD Drew and Juan Rivera

VS Lefties - Rod Beck
VS Righties - Brad Lidge
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Postby visick » Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:18 am

Pierz does not need a platoon.

Rivera is not a good fit for your park. (Too BP dependant).

Kolb should be closing both ways. He's good enough. You are wasting $ with both Beck and Kolb.

Both Hafner and Snow hit RH's better. Who will hit vs. LH's?

This team is better suited for a hitting park rather than a pitching park.
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Postby geekor » Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:46 am

Young I like, ARod always underperformed that year, but still a 1 at SS. Ichiro decent vs lefties, a bottom guy vs righties. Schmidt great, Lidge a great value releif guy.
The rest of the team I am not fond of at all.... :?

I'd much rahter have Mantei + Spoonybarger or Cormier than the top 2 you have. Telemaco can be an ok 4th or 5th but the rest of your SP staff sucks.

G Anderson is a must have, his card is loaded with doubles. Also T Redman is a great #2 hitter for you at DH.

And I can't beleive P Feliz is out in the FA wire?? grab him for 3b, NOW!

If you want to go cheap at 1b, whe not S Casey? so many of your players you got for HR power, but your park is not suited for that. thos BP Hr's you are paying for are wasted.

Personally, I'd go with: Mora CF, Redman DH, ARod SS, G Anderson LF, M Young 2b, Peir C, P Feliz 3b, Casey 1b, Ichiro RF vs R and then fit in a pitching staff that works around that. that team + lidge (not counting cheapy bench) = 47.89 mil which leave plenty of room for a pitching staff.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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