MM Team- a first for me

MM Team- a first for me

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:15 pm

As those of you that visit here often noticed, I have been trying new stadiums lately.

My latest is my first MM team,

I would like some imput if there is any to be had.

I am picking third in Waivers.

Teams in my division are from Coors, Petco, Yankee Stadium

My Closer isn't what I was shooting for, and I only got one reliever I was shooting for (Madson).

Chipper was not my choice either (Ensberg was), but overall I am not upset with the overall draft.

I know I will need a back up for C. Jones and now the question now comes up as who to put in the #2 spot????

Do I Put Tavares 2nd and Chipper 5th(Do I keep Chipper)

With Ramirez and Konerko and Vlad I am not sure (3,4,6 Respectively)???
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Postby visick » Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:42 pm

From previous experience...I'd say you are gonna need a lefty or 2-3 in that lineup Bodie.

You should also grab a cheap LHSP, so guys don't load up on lefty bats.

There are cheap hard RH's that will give you fits at home.

Looks as though there are a number of good lefty bats still available out there...'re in a TOUGH division there Bodie. :?
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:11 pm


Who would you suggest,

I can get Griffey for CF or Chavez for 3rd both are lefty, but Griffey's Injury Chance is higher, and Chavez sure does strike out alot.

Have you ever used either of these guys at MM.

Yes my division is tough, did you see the Coors lineup?????
If his pitching holds up, he is gonna have a good team.

Of Course I am in the Same division as Bigmahon again (I can't get away from this guy).

And he is in Petco again........

Of my Starters, who have you used and how have they done?????
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:29 pm

I really like your starters. All classic MM SP's. You might want to consider a cheap hard Lefty, if you have teams in your league that are heavy LH batters.

You will need LH's ( 2 should be enough) with alot of natural power vs righties, since that is what you will see most of the time. Griffey would not be bad at all. Also Tony Clark is an excellent choice in MM.

I like Chipper here better than Chavez, who is very BP dependent. Only prob with Chipper is his injuries, so make sure you have a good back up. I see Cabrera is available, and is a MONSTER in MM!

I am using Jeter on a current MM team, and I am not sure this is the park for him. I have had very good success with Tejada here, who is available.

Is this a non-DH league? I don't see a DH for you.... :?
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Postby rgimbel » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:55 pm

if cabrerra is available grab him for 3rd griffy would be an ideal lefty bat in center if you need to downgrade to add these two bats think about greene at ss should give you about 20hr in mm

he hit .289 18 79 for me in mm but he does get inj a lot

your staff looks fine for mm
dont love gruziliniek here
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:05 pm

No, it is a DH league, I was gonna use Thames in the 8 slot for some Cheap Pop.
When I was drafting, I put my wish list together and went for broke (with my SP), I got every single one of them. Blew me away.

Now I have to Choose which ones to keep and which ones to toss back.

All of these guys are cheap and good at MM, I dunno. Yeah, a cheap lefty will be needed.

I am really stuck on who to replace for a lefty bat though......Vlad for Jenkins or Tavares for Griffey, I guess I could replace Konerko for a platoon at 1st.

I have until tomorrow, and my head is spinning already.

I think it would have been better if I wouldn't have gotten so many of the players I wanted. I literally got 17 out of the 25 I wanted and 5 of the 7 I missed were relief pitchers.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:19 pm

Keep in mind my leadoff spot.

If I pick up Cabrera and Griffey and Drop Jones, Tavares and Jeter, I won't have a leadoff guy, and most likely not enogh money to get one.
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:26 pm

E.Young/Garabito are a great, cheap LH/RH lead off combo in MM.... :wink:
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:50 pm

Do you think a trade like this would be good or not:

I give up Konerko and C. Jones for T. Clark and T. Glaus???????

This would be with a team in my division, so it could come back and haunt me.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:03 pm

I doubt that would be a good're probably facing a lot of RHP which means Tony would be batting LH.
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