As those of you that visit here often noticed, I have been trying new stadiums lately.
My latest is my first MM team,
I would like some imput if there is any to be had.
I am picking third in Waivers.
Teams in my division are from Coors, Petco, Yankee Stadium
My Closer isn't what I was shooting for, and I only got one reliever I was shooting for (Madson).
Chipper was not my choice either (Ensberg was), but overall I am not upset with the overall draft.
I know I will need a back up for C. Jones and now the question now comes up as who to put in the #2 spot????
Do I Put Tavares 2nd and Chipper 5th(Do I keep Chipper)
With Ramirez and Konerko and Vlad I am not sure (3,4,6 Respectively)???