by Jeepdriver » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:24 am
Guys, I hate to have to say this, but several of you guys are not working hard enough, even at all in trying for the even record. As of today the only .500 record comes from yours truly, the originator of this theme league.
Some of you, Kev for instance, are trying, I get that. But others aren't being considerate at all, namely AF, akindian and now Sandy, who said the hell with an even record some 2 weeks ago. Sandy has diliberately tried to jump over .500 (which he did) and NOT fall back, but to continue winning.
How 'bout Bunbury? Props to him. In fact, he is the odds on favorite for Manager Of The Year for his especially working toward that goal of an even record after being so far up. Thanks to Bunbury, you have assured yourself of an invite back for Even Stevens II.
:lol: :wink: