I guess the question then would be:
Is Turnbow "that" much better than Codero given the difference in price????
If not, I can pick up someone that could be a good set up guy and keep Codero.
Looking at their cards (without getting too involved), It doesn't seem to be 3M difference in their performance.??????
I know that Codero will get hit a little harder from lefties, but only has a slight dis-advantage from Righties.
I don't get the whole # crunching, but is it gonna make that much difference at home.
There are 3 Petco's 2 MM, 2 Yankee Stadiums, Turner, Kaufmann, Coors, Dodger, and Shea in my league.
Based on the Schedules I will have:
87 games at MM (81 home + 6 away at other MM team)
21 games at Petco
18 games at Yankee Stadium
12 games at Coors
6 games at Kauffman
6 games at Shea
6 games at Dodger Stadium
6 games at Turner
Kauffman slightly favors righties
Shea slightly Lefties
Dodger, Turner, Coors, Yankee, and Petco are even for both.
In my humble estimation, having Turnbow isn't going to matter that much is it??????