Six relievers -- how does Hal react?

Six relievers -- how does Hal react?

Postby Nippithon » Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:59 pm

Yet another bullpen question. In general, I'm wondering: "Does Hal follow bullpen instructions more accurately as the number of reievers at his disposal increases?

More specifically:
If I have an extreme righty, I can set him to "avoid lefties" and "quick hook" and all will be well with Hal. But if I have an extreme righty AND an extreme lefty, Hal will be less likely to put the quick hook on them both.

I figure it's because he's planning ahead, and knows that there are only three or four other relievers. That all makes sense to me.

But what if we run six relievers? Does Hal take that into consideration? Is he more likely to quick-hook more than one pitcher like we want him to? I.e. does he look at your bullpen and know that he's got a bunch more guys to bring in?

I'm thinking of experimenting with an 11-man staff: five starters and six relievers. Anyone have experience with such a staff?

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Postby cummings2 » Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:37 pm

In my fairly limited experience. Yes, HAL does take the BP depth into acct. and yes it can be quite effective.

I've ran bullies of 8 arms 6 specs 1 setup and 1 Closer quite effectively.

One of the main elements, though is not the only the ammount of arms but having a stud #1 starter that gives you the possibility of resting your pen to have the specs fresh for the not so stud starters after.

Stilll, I've never gone w/o a strong closer. when I try for the spec bully approach.
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Postby Nippithon » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:18 am

Wow, Cummings, eight relievers is a lot of bullpen! Good experiment, good advice. Of course every situation is different and I'll have to futz with Hal for about 40 games, but now I know it's worth a shot. Thanks for the insight.
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Postby The Biomechanical Man » Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:06 pm

Yes, it is like real life. If you only have 4 arms or so in your bullpen, the manager cannot put relievers in and out as easily over the course of the season. However, give your manager some depth and even HAL can do a better job of using specialists. Here's a link my only completed 2006 season: [url=]Horace Mann Lions[/url].
You can see the L/R splits worked out well for my specialists.
The Biomechanical Man
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Postby geekor » Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:40 pm

and there in the is jist of it. Specialists can be useful, if you bullpen is set up to use them properly.

Many people make a team of only specialist, and wonder why they arne't being used right. In Glenn's team, he has Heilman and Reistsma who could eat innings vs anyone, so the the specialists could come on and do their job. Normally, I like to have 1 pair (1 hard R, 1 hard L) set not before 7th, quick hooks, avoid bad side, max 1-2. Then have 1 closer, not before 8th, 1 setup, not before 6th, and leave 1 R2/R3 to eat up innings incase a SP gets knocked out early.
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Postby RAULSILVA » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:40 pm

Hey geek. wath you said works the same for a BP like coors or US Cell ?were the SP will be bombed in most of the games, inings eater will work a lot so.... you think that man shuld be an cheapy like vogelson or someting or it sould be a man R helling ?
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Postby geekor » Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:11 pm

[quote:b281e1107c="raoreef"]Hey geek. wath you said works the same for a BP like coors or US Cell ?were the SP will be bombed in most of the games, inings eater will work a lot so.... you think that man shuld be an cheapy like vogelson or someting or it sould be a man R helling ?[/quote:b281e1107c]

In a place like Coors I usually dont use specialists as much, as they will get too many innings. But yes, Vogelsong is the cheap R3 I look for if I'm in a place like Coors. If all my other RP's are set to avoid before 6th (or later) then he will be the only one to be used when the SP gets yanked early.

My prefered Coors Bullpen would be (my opinion only):
Heilman: Closer and setup both ways, avoid before 8th, slow hook
Shields: Avoid before 6th, max 2-3
M Gonzalez: Avoid before 7th, max 1-2
Vogelsong: no settings.

If you had the extra $$ (I wouldn't) you could add a pain or specialists (1 hard R, 1 hard L) to that, and they shouldn't get too many innings. Or add a pair and use cheaper 6th-7th guys like Eishcien, Majewiski or Witasick.
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