handi league- central filled I'm west look in here for pw

Postby MEAT » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:06 pm

1 Rgimbel - nj
2 spicki17 - va
3 Joe - NY
4 Worrierking - FL
5 Terry101 - NM
6 giddyup81 - CT
7 ArrylT - MO
8 Tpassalac-AZ
9 Palmtana - CA
10 he's meat-IL
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Postby MEAT » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:16 pm

diabolical to say the least....rule 5 is particularly heinous. :twisted:
just a couple of suggestions for tweaks...I would make the salary limited team an even 77million, knock off another half mil.
on rule 12, take out the allowance on only trading one player. should read that that team must accept any legal trade from the team with the worst record at the halfway mark. it's gonna be hard enough to match payrolls, legal rosters etc....if the worst team can come up with a legal deal, it'sll probably involve multiple players just to make dollars work. one for one would be a bit of a lateral move, and you'd be giving up one of your highest priced players. don't make it hard on the worst team, make it hard on rule 12 team.
is lottery low to high number or high to low, since it's probably NEVER been more important where you pick. okay, I see it's high number to low for draft order...
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Postby rgimbel » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:22 pm

1.we can make the cap team 77 million I am fine with that
2. I dont think rule 5 is that bad I have seen teams with a 5 and a pair of 4's win.
3. amendment to trade rule trade can have a maxium of one star(6mil or above) and a max of two good players 3.5 million to 6 million can include any amount of lesser players but max is a 8 player deal.
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Postby worrierking » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:14 am

I am getting excited that this one might actually happen. Do we need to take a roll call to make sure everybody is still in?
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Postby Stoney18 » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:35 am

I'm in if you need another person. Will be traveling over the next couple of days so PM when you're ready to start. Kansas for state.
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I am putting you in stoney

Postby rgimbel » Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:42 pm

1 Rgimbel - nj
2 spicki17 - va
3 Joe - NY
4 Worrierking - FL
5 Terry101 - NM
6 giddyup81 - CT
7 ArrylT - MO
8 Tpassalac-AZ
9 Palmtana - CA
10 he's meat-IL
11 stoney-ks

worse case we will wait for you we have been wating long enough anyway
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Postby Terry101 » Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:39 pm

Rule # 12 with a max of 8 players is too harsh. It could destroy the team completly instead of just being a penalty. Why not max out at a money price instead of players. Say 10 million. Trade could be anything up to 10 mil- one player, two, three, whatever. Can we go with something like this? Commish?
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rule 12

Postby rgimbel » Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:17 pm

Terry you can design rule 12 anyway you like and I will go with it. as I said earlier everyone is allowed to change one rule if they think it is too harsh or easy
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Postby MEAT » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:04 pm

terry...my only concern is that the rule has SOME teeth. if you only allow ONE player to be traded, in order to get it to work within strat rules, you've got to give up nearly equal value monetarily. let's say you had maris, and ive got the WORST record in the league, and need some homerun power...in order to get maris, ive got to trade you 8.29 million in player/players and create a spot for maris. I know it's rough on team 12, but you're still getting equal value in salary. plus, it's meant to help the WORST team in the league have something to play for in the second half. I think putting a cap on the trade value is reasonable, but it's gotta be atleast ten million, and that's on any ONE player in the deal....IMO. :lol:
the overall deal might have to be over 10 million to make dollars work and create a legal trade.
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Postby MEAT » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:09 pm

for example...let's say rule 12 team has maris...my rightfielder is ellis valentine. they're about a million apart...ive got to include some other players to give rule 12 team a million more dollars worth of players. so for instance i send you milt may for your backup catcher worth around 1m, say hershberger. hopefully you see from this, it's gonna be tough enough to create a legal trade. any other thoughts?
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