by MEAT » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:04 pm only concern is that the rule has SOME teeth. if you only allow ONE player to be traded, in order to get it to work within strat rules, you've got to give up nearly equal value monetarily. let's say you had maris, and ive got the WORST record in the league, and need some homerun order to get maris, ive got to trade you 8.29 million in player/players and create a spot for maris. I know it's rough on team 12, but you're still getting equal value in salary. plus, it's meant to help the WORST team in the league have something to play for in the second half. I think putting a cap on the trade value is reasonable, but it's gotta be atleast ten million, and that's on any ONE player in the deal....IMO. :lol:
the overall deal might have to be over 10 million to make dollars work and create a legal trade.