Netplay III

Postby ROBERTFIELD » Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:27 pm

Ace, thanks for your work in the league.

While I think these are all neat ideas, I think we need to keep it as simple as possible, which would mean to me the same format, pick a season. That is my vote.
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Postby MidTennHitman » Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:58 pm

I nominate 1980...........Good BoSox team, Brett hits .390, Rickey Henderson makes his debut with 100+ SBs, big year from Schmidt and his world champion Phillies (with a little help from Carlton and Rose), the nucleus of the Bronx Bombers and also the nucleus of the "We Are Family" Pirates with Papa Willie and Dave "The Cobra" Parker.......and so many other great memories
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Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:05 pm

If we have to pick a format similar to the one we use.. I woudl vote for the 1911 format again.... like Dave said.. draft would be different for all of us.. and we might have forgotten.. bascially HAL picked teams for Bruce and the Major....
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Postby ROBERTFIELD » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:39 pm

well, the price is right with Bob's idea. :D
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Postby aceventura55369 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:41 am

Here's what we have so far (including my votes) ...

League formats

1. Play for your City league - 3 (i'll play in this type of a league

2. Franchise League, # of HOF's is based on your teams in actual season record. (90+ wins no HOF, 81-90 (1) HOF, 70-81 (2) HOF & so on.) - 3

3. Same format we have been using - 4

4. Pick'em & Stick'em (division mates draft part of your team) - 0

5. League of 2 seasons, 1 in each division - 2

Possible seasons...

1980 - 2
1911 - 2

Feel free to add any seasons you want to be considered, or vote for one of the years posted.
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Bored at work

Postby ktoe072031 » Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:55 am

I have been doing a little research on the suggested themes on and will share some of the information, it may help in deciding our next move.

[u:65b5c55888]Play for your city[/u:65b5c55888]

Using the 3 years suggested(you would have to spread them if you want to keep from having redundant players) here are the wins for each franchise:

NY/SF Giants 272
Det 269
NYY 266
Cleveland 258
Cubs 250
Red Sox 238
Cards 238
Br/LA Dodgers233
White Sox 221
A's 220
Pirates 219
Phils 212
Braves 207
Cinn 197
Washington 183
STB/Balt 169

If played as a city(assuming Dodgers and Giants stay intact, the Cubs and White Sox merge, the 2 Braves team of Boston merge with the Red Sox, the Phil A's merge with the Phils and the St. Louis Browns merge with the Cards) here's an average of the wins that can be expected:

NY Giants 90.6
NYY 88.3
Cleve/Det 87.8 Bad combo, both can be competitive
Chicago 78.5
Dodgers 77.6
Philly 73.8
Boston 72
St. Louis 70
Pitt/Cinn 69.3
Blt/Wsh/KC/Milw 64.3

I'd hate to get stuck on the bottom. I do like the 3 to 1 but better using 3 consecutive years such as 1959-61. That would require doing something about players who played on more than 1 team but there are 11 pretty good teams. (Braves, Reds, Dodgers, Pirates, Giants, Cards, Orioles, White Sox, Indians, Tigers, Yanks)
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Postby ktoe072031 » Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:04 am

I have tested my Franchises for the 1911 AL and surprisingly Boston won both times. I think this idea would work if we are allowed to pick any team from any year and play it as is. It would require buying a few different seasons though. The fielding, especially SS & C, isn't good in 1911 and I think the games could get a little fustrating. (like last night vs. Ace)
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Postby ktoe072031 » Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:21 am

Let's pick a year and play again. I haven't checked my disc but on the S-O-M site these years cost $20 a piece and so I think are deluxe years:

1911, 1920, 1927, 1934, 1941, 1948, 1950, 1954-56, 1959-61 and 1963 on.

From my first year experience I would say, pick the best players available from the year and fill in with HOFers(if used). Also pay attention to IP and AB as usage is a big factor. It's a gamble though since there is no salary to judge by. I'm looking forward to another season and hope we get started soon. 1911 only has a couple of more weeks to go and since I've been eliminated for some time I'm itching to get started again.
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Postby Rob55 » Sun Oct 30, 2005 2:34 pm

there is a difference between deluxe years and super deluxe years.... some of the deluxe years don't have BPS or BPHR's.

I am not in favor of playing a season where we have to buy half a dozen seasons.... in fact unless I have the seasons picked I won't play...I am not spending $80 to play one season of netplay.

I am also not the least intersted in allowing some teams to have 2 HOF'ers while others have none, nor do I relish having someone else selecting ANY of my players.

The super advanced seasons are as follows....

11-20-27-34-41-48-54-55-59-60-64-65-66-67-75-78 and 89 to the present

any of these seasons is fine with me ... or 2 of them if thats what's decided...the KISS rule (keep it simple stupid) until all of us have a few more leagues under our belt would seem the wisest choice.
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Postby aceventura55369 » Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:44 pm

Rob brings up a good point about Advanced seasons VS Super Advanced. For our league I want to play Super Advanced seasons so lets pick from the list below...

11-20-27-34-41-48-54-55-59-60-64-65-66-67-75-78 and 89 to the present
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