What can I say? I laid an egg, Sandy gobbled up the entire litter. Congrats to [b:92b291e472]Sandy[/b:92b291e472] for the sweep and therefore the WC. Additional congrats to [b:92b291e472]AF Dickie[/b:92b291e472], the runaway winner in a division where everyone finished .500 or better, to [b:92b291e472]Akindian[/b:92b291e472] for winning the Central and [b:92b291e472]Bunbury [/b:92b291e472]for pulling out the West.
Special trophies go not to the above four managers, but to [color=red:92b291e472]Tyber [/color:92b291e472]and [color=red:92b291e472]Kev [/color:92b291e472]for finishing at exactly "even" and therefore winning the "unofficial" Cup. The eventual winner of this league will win the "official" Cup, but [color=red:92b291e472]Tyber [/color:92b291e472]and [color=red:92b291e472]Kev [/color:92b291e472]will be most remembered for adhering to the league's theme and garnering the even record. WTG you two gentlemen, you are the [i:92b291e472]true[/i:92b291e472] heros here, not the guys who will get the pub from here on out. :D :wink: