can choose from, one thing I was not clear (and please league tell me if it is to late to add this stipulation...but I know Sykes isn't afraid of stipulations), when I meant you could only use players from one division, I should have specified the majority of the card needed to be from an AL West Team.
Not sure if this changes things drastically, and even if at this point it is fair to make that clarification. So Sykes, let me know if your willing to allow me to make this clarification, and if not, if the rest of the league thinks it should have been something that was obvious or can be made now.
As for Sean, yes every position on the card can not have a fielding rating of better than 3. So if a plaer plays at 3 positions and 1 of them he is a 2 and the rest he is a 3, this player is ineligible. BTW...In my original pill lisiting , I believe I did give credit to the Hitters v. Pitchers Deux LEague for this idea.