Yet another 2007 pre-card draft--DRAFTING IN INDIVIDUAL CHAT

Yet another 2007 pre-card draft--DRAFTING IN INDIVIDUAL CHAT

Postby maligned » Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:41 pm

Like others, I like the idea of a pre-card draft before defensive ratings or ratings disks or anything come out.


[b:0c898d2ede]Salary[/b:0c898d2ede]: $200M cap
[b:0c898d2ede]Logisitics[/b:0c898d2ede]: standard waivers/advanced
[b:0c898d2ede]Draft[/b:0c898d2ede]: 12-round draft (snake each round)
[b:0c898d2ede]Draft order[/b:0c898d2ede]: Random number generator or Pick 3 lotto, whichever can be worked out first as we get going.
[b:0c898d2ede]Clock[/b:0c898d2ede]: 24 hours per pick
[b:0c898d2ede]Stadiums[/b:0c898d2ede]: Auto-draft stadiums (pick whichever stadium you want when the '07 game comes out)
[b:0c898d2ede]Division Assignments[/b:0c898d2ede]: East (picks 1,4,7,10); Central (2,5,8,11); West (3,6,9,12)
[b:0c898d2ede]Trading[/b:0c898d2ede]: Even trades will be allowed during the draft. One player may be traded for one player. One draft pick may substitute for one player as well (example: Jeter and Round 9 pick for Cano and Alou). No trades will be allowed following the conclusion of the draft. Additionally, if the ratings disk comes out before we conclude our draft, all trading will cease immediately.
[b:0c898d2ede]Roster[/b:0c898d2ede]: Final roster must fit TSN requirements
[b:0c898d2ede]Penalties for mistakes[/b:0c898d2ede]: (1)You will be required to sub a .50M player during the auto draft for any player you select live that is not given a strat card. You will not be required to retain that player following the auto draft. (2) If you auto draft another owner's player by mistake, you will be required to trade that player to the owner for a player of his choice before waivers run. If you do not trade a "stolen" player to his rightful owner before waivers, you will still be required to trade that player to the proper owner following waivers. Additionally, you will be required to dump another player of at least $3M value and pick up a $.50M player that must be carried for the duration of the season. (3) If you forget to include a live-drafted player on your draft list during the auto draft, you must announce your mistake immediately to the rest of the league. Then, you will be required to use your first waiver claim on that player, even if you did not want him any more. If you do not claim said player during waivers, he becomes open game to other owners after waivers run. Additionally, you will be required to dump a player of at least $3M value and pick up a $.50M player that must be carried for the duration of the season.
[b:0c898d2ede]Auto-Draft Check-In[/b:0c898d2ede]: When the 2007 Strat game is released on TSN, everyone will have one week to check in with the rest of the league. If you do not make yourself known during that time, a replacement owner will be given the opportunity to take ownership of your players and enter the league.

Recommendation: As you're prepping for the draft, find a strat friend that you feel comfortable giving proxies to. Then, if you're away from a computer for a period of time, that person can draft for you. Otherwise, you'll fall behind and/or make the draft move very slowly.

When you enter, include the state you want to use for the Pick 3 draft lottery.

1. maligned-IN
Last edited by maligned on Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:46 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby maligned » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:06 am

Wow. Was it something I said? Do I smell funny? No takers on this? The other two 2007 pre-card drafts filled up in about 5 seconds.
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Postby Valen » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:22 pm

If there were already 2 of them I suspect that those who like precard drafts and have the time are committed. I would not take personally if this one takes time to get off the ground.

Personally, I tried a precard draft a couple years ago and will never do it again. Too much work went in to it only to have one jerk make everyone so mad 3 people quit just before cards came out. And that was after spending the entire winter trying to calm people down who threatened to quit along the way over the jerk's childishness and insults. It was "fun" finding replacements for already drafted teams. I would never do that again.

In most years since I started this there are an average of 2 of these with possibly 3 stretching it. This is not to discourage you from doing this. Only saying you might need to be patient and put more effort in to getting it going than the first 2 league formers did. :wink:
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Postby tersignf » Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:01 pm

I know I won't do any more live drafts until there's reliable, supported software. They're too slow and laborious.
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Postby cummings2 » Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:33 pm

When you enter, include the state you want to use for the Pick 3 draft lottery.

1. maligned-IN
2. Cummings2- WA

-Could it be possible to reduce the number of drafted players to 12-14 that way you do draft the basic core of the team but it's not laborsome to draft "scrubbies" that end up costing 2 Mil :shock: -Just a thought.
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Postby maligned » Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:58 pm

Yeah, I'm cool with that--Let's go to 12 rounds. The only reason I was interested in more rounds was the 200M salary cap creates the opportunity for someone to luck into getting more salary than another during the autodraft. However, I realize even doing "quick" rounds at the end will get arduous.

Sounds good...12 rounds.
Anybody else want to play? Otherwise C2 and I will get stuck duking it out.
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Postby maligned » Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:04 pm

To tersignf's point: Once we have 12 owners, I'm totally open to the idea of doing a late-night draft in which we all report in at a set time and knock out 5 rounds or so in live time. In fact, I've seen this work quite well for others.
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Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:29 pm


I am working on a pre-card draft of my own and I have already aquired a few good interested managers. Why don't you consider joining my group? And that way we may get a complete group together a little faster? let me know what you think?

Sandlot Shrink
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Postby maligned » Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:08 pm

I would be up for that. I've played with most of those guys. Where is your discussion page? What type of league are you doing (salary cap, etc.)?
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Postby JOELKING » Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:18 am

Super, I be interested if you need one to be filled (12 spot), I am already in pre card draft 2007 ( the first one)
Last edited by JOELKING on Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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