First '06 Petco team

Postby geekor » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:29 pm

yea I mean the guy just blows in pitchers parks. I mean besides that he has no BP Hr's, which mean he works on the road, he can never close the deal at home (note the sarcasm)

pickup part way thru the season:

he regularly outperform KRod in any park, for cheaper? Keep him.

I"m guessing you missed figgins and Ichiro in the draft? You need a good #2 guy, so I'd definetly try to grab Duffy first. Then you just need a new Leadoff hitter vs R (Pods can do it vs lefties). I really like using Roberts TB's in the 3 hole in pitchers parks, but that's just me. Seeing as you missed you SS, you could go for Lugo at SS (I know the bad Def) but the bat is decent for the price.
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Postby geekor » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:31 pm

I think B Giles is available, but you probably can't afford him. You could grab him instead for RF and Lugo for SS and keep Taguchi in CF. Give you more OBP but less Ba overall.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:36 pm

You are correct,

I planned on Duffy first in Waivers, then Furcal for Short if he is still there.

I know he won't hit that well, but his speed and Def should keep me in there.

Then I will have to do something with 3rd base, but I can do that after waivers.

Trying to trade Moises Alou and JJ for R. Johnson.......Think that is wise??

If I can't come up with something for RF, I will keep Taguchi and use him there.

Also have another Trade that would send Alou, Ohka, Blalock for Figgins, Lowry and Bruntlett (who I would drop anyway).

Still haven't heard back on either trade yet.
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Postby visick » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:31 pm

I didn't say Hermanson WOULDN'T do well there...I've just never been in a league where he DID well.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:23 pm

Who are some good Lefty Pitchers for Petco on the Cheap.

I have a lot of money tied up in Lee and Roberts, so my starting pitching is going to be a bit cheaper than normal, but I am looking for some good lefty SP that will keep me in the game and let my speedsters and bats do the real work.

Pedro, Patterson, (probably Wood), Lawrence, and 1 good lefty is what I need.

Also need a good set-up guy for Hermanson.

Alou, Blaylock, and Greene are as good as gone so I am hoping for a Cheap 3b to open up, Duffy and Maybe Furcal for short, if not, Lugo will be there most likely..

That will still leave me with RF to deal with and some minor shaking up of my RP

Waivers in about a half an hour.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:31 pm


Better to have Betemit/Bell Platoon or Polanco for 3b???

Better to have Mauer/Olivo Platoon or Redmond????

Is my weak starting Pitching gonna hold???
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Postby visick » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:36 pm

I'd go with Polanco but grab Mackowiack as a backup.

I'd also grab Redmond. If Mauer goes down for 15, Olivo has to hit righties and visaversa for Mauer.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:36 pm

I grabbed Polanco, but think I will keep Mauer and Olivo for speed purposes.

Here is how I sit for now:

The only Lefty starters in my division are Zito, Buehrle, Sabathia
Closers are C. Cordero, Ryan/Lidge, and Hoffman

Hitting wise, the teams are mainly right handed.
Lefty batters that I will face in my division are Ortiz, Griffey, Damon, Delgado,Matzsui,T. Lee, Wilkerson, Floyd and B. Giles. That is about it,
The rest are either backups or inconsequential.

I think I sit pretty good batting wise, but what about pitching??
Brian Anderson is avail and I could switch Robertson with him???

How about this for lineups




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