ATG III Franchise League

Postby AZHawg » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:15 am

I haven't had much luck in ATG but I'll give it a shot! Having all Cards will be fun.

ATG III Franchise League

1. jpgavin A's
2. rgimbel yanks
3. cascboas phillies
4. nightjar Dodgers
5. 2cityfan Cubs
6. Lumbercompanysouth Pirates
7. AZHawg Cardinals
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Postby ramaegles » Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:05 am

im in ill take the a's if you wanna give em up philly phan 4 charlie
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Postby ramaegles » Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:37 am

[quote:2edec4ca69="AZHawg"]I haven't had much luck in ATG but I'll give it a shot! Having all Cards will be fun.

ATG III Franchise League

1. jpgavin A's
2. rgimbel yanks
3. cascboas phillies
4. nightjar Dodgers
5. 2cityfan Cubs
6. Lumbercompanysouth Pirates
7. AZHawg Cardinals
8. philly phan 4 redsox
Posts: 55
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Postby jpgavin » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:27 pm

The A's are yours. I'll take Cleveland.

ATG III Franchise League

1. jpgavin Indians(Naps)
2. rgimbel yanks
3. cascboas phillies
4. nightjar Dodgers
5. 2cityfan Cubs
6. Lumbercompanysouth Pirates
7. AZHawg Cardinals
8. philly phan 4 A's
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Postby pinhead1987 » Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:36 pm

1. jpgavin Indians(Naps)
2. rgimbel yanks
3. cascboas phillies
4. nightjar Dodgers
5. 2cityfan Cubs
6. Lumbercompanysouth Pirates
7. AZHawg Cardinals
8. philly phan 4 A's
9. Pinhead Red Sox
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Postby LARRYLANG » Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:16 pm

1. jpgavin Indians(Naps)
2. rgimbel yanks
3. cascboas phillies
4. nightjar Dodgers
5. 2cityfan Cubs
6. Lumbercompanysouth Pirates
7. AZHawg Cardinals
8. philly phan 4 A's
9. Pinhead Red Sox
10. Pelzer--Tigers

How will divisions be decided?
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Postby jpgavin » Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:59 pm

1. jpgavin Indians(Naps)
2. rgimbel yanks
3. cascboas phillies
4. nightjar Dodgers
5. 2cityfan Cubs
6. Lumbercompanysouth Pirates
7. AZHawg Cardinals
8. philly phan 4 A's
9. Pinhead Red Sox
10. Pelzer--Tigers
11. Scorehouse--Giants
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Postby buster j ratt » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:30 pm

1. jpgavin Indians(Naps)
2. rgimbel yanks
3. cascboas phillies
4. nightjar Dodgers
5. 2cityfan Cubs
6. Lumbercompanysouth Pirates
7. AZHawg Cardinals
8. philly phan 4 A's
9. Pinhead Red Sox
10. Pelzer--Tigers
11. Scorehouse--Giants
12.buster j ratt

What are my options I figure the Reds are on Any others but I like these kinda themes so I will probably play :?:
buster j ratt
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Postby nightjar » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:33 pm

St.L Browns/Orioles are an interesting option.

Question: are trades permitted or would that destroy the integrity of the "franchise" concept?
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Postby jpgavin » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:34 pm

we can break up the divisions at random (based on the order people join). Or we can put the three NY teams in the east with boston - the phils, pirates, tigers and indians in the central, and the cubs, cards, and A's in the west with the 4th team.
As always, i'm open to suggestions. and if our last team in wants to be the indians (with the Naps of course) i'd be more than happy to give them up to get the league started.
Posts: 55
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