It is your call jp as it is your league. I would sure hate to wait another week on this thing. Something must be going on with him. Always hate to have to replace someone but with no responses to anyone we may not have much of a choice. :cry:
Yeah, I guess you're right. I hate to do it. There was another person who expressed interest in this league, I'll check with him and if he's not interested I'll start a new thread looking for a 12th.
I just got (as in: 2 minutes ago) the following email from who wants to join our league as the 12th owner. I told him that it was not my call. JPGAVIN (and fellow owners): I'll defer to your wisdom here.
**** HERE'S THE EMAIL ****
Hi Nightjar,
I just completed my 25 man roster and I am interested in joining your Private League.
You guys have 11 members and I would make 12 and you can start playing ASAP
If you would like to join you guys - please send me your league password
Thanks.............. Ron of the NY Marauders
**** END OF EMAIL ****
Received same e-mail so I guess he is serious but not my call either Commish has to make call or we vote on it Will check to see if I can figure out for sure who he is Only people have my e-mail from Strat are in Alphabet theme league