by ArtemusRex » Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:25 am
In fact, here it is from the rules included in any season under help. I found it "cleverly" hidden under the topic ">Playoffs >Rest days."
At the end of the 162-game regular season, the 3 Division Winners plus the Wild Card team advance to the 2-round Playoffs. The Wild Card team is the team that has the best record among teams that did not win their division.
The Playoffs consists of a Semi-Finals (best of 5 games) and a Finals (best of 7 games).
After the regular season ends on Friday night, the Semi-Finals starts on Monday night. There are two simulated rest days before the Semi-Finals start, and one simulated rest day before the Finals start. The schedule is as follows:
Real Days Sim Days
Friday Reg. season ends (games 160-162)
rest day
rest day
Monday Semi-Finals Game 1 at Team A
Semi-Finals Game 2 at Team A
Tuesday Semi-Finals Game 3 at Team B
Semi-Finals Game 4* at Team B
Wednesday Semi-Finals Game 5* at Team A
rest day
Thursday Finals Game 1 at Team A
Finals Game 2 at Team A
Friday Finals Game 3 at Team B
Finals Game 4 at Team B
Saturday Finals Game 5* at Team B
Sunday Finals Game 6* at Team A
Monday Finals Game 7* at Team A