Postby johnsain » Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:14 pm

It seems to me there must be an error with the 1979 Bowa card and the stats that appear at the top for that year. Bowa's walks increased dramatically over previous years but it's not reflected on the card. Also see the 'TRIPLES'. He hit 11 that year and that card does not show it at all! That card also looks like a .275+ hitter, not a .240 hitter. - J Sain
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Postby maligned » Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:05 pm

All of what you say is absolutely true...very low walk and triple chances compared to actual stats.
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Postby LMBombers » Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:23 pm

There is an error. Check out Bowa's 1979 card from the 80's game vs his 1979 in the 70's game. They are vastly different. The card from the 80's game show the extra walks and high chance for triples, and worse overall hitting, like his actual stats would indicate. Bowa's 1979 card in the 70's game looks almost identicle to his 1977 card. That 1977 card is where he was evenly balanced and hit .280 which is much higher than his actual 1979 .240 year. If SOM is using the 1979 card as we see it it makes Bowa a better value as only his first card is a bad one.

I wonder if they are actually using a card from a different year than 1979 for that card.

BTW, this thread should be in the 70's forum.
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Mon Dec 25, 2006 9:34 pm

And while you are at it, check out the '79 Parker cards in ATG3 and the 70's game. What a difference.
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