You may have noticed your managerial rating has changed a lot since a day or so ago. I personally went from something like 2804 to 2530. I believe the main cause of this drop/change for many owners is because:
[b:ed315272e5]2005 is now being rated at 75% instead of 100%.[/b:ed315272e5]
Hence all points accured in 05 have been deducted by 25% I suppose. So if you had 1000 points from 2005, like RiggoDrill did, they are now only worth 750 overall.
Seems a little dumb to me to rate 2005 at 75% when BTT80s and ATG II are at 100% since 05 is a more advanced game product-wise. Not a big deal to me in the long run since I still rank 43rd overall, but owners who primarily play 200x like JeepDriver & qksilver took a major drop, while owners, like myself, who have a more varied 'resume' didnt get too affected or possibly got a positive effect.
I believe 2003 may have also been nudged downward, and I know 2002 was at 40 or 50% but is now rated at 35% like 2001.
End result still being - if you only/primarily played 200x, expect your rating to drop 10-15%, while if you also play ATG, BTT70/80s and or 1969, expect less of a drop, or even a move upwards.