by ArrylT » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:00 am
I made my initial post solely to give people a headsup & to create discussion on the valuation of different SOM products, however I am not surprised that some people have taken the thread to post their opinions on the value of the ratings themselves, rather than the decision by TSN to alter the valuation of certain. Kudos to ehlekev for being one of the few people able to stick to the topic at hand. ;)
Personally I believe it is up to each owner to decide how much value they place upon the ratings. Since others have already expressed their viewpoint, I shall do the same, although I am quite certain that, as per usual, it will be misunderstood or ignored. ;)
Do I feel that the rating system is perfect? Definitely not. It could always be improved, and I would definitely agree with ehlekev that rating all games, regardless of their current status of activity, should be rated similar.
However I do feel the Manager rating systems have merit, and like many things, can be used as a tool to help you in your game. People are free to dismiss the ratings out of hand, just like they are free to dismiss the use of the Ratings Disk, Simulating seasons, using Player rating systems like that of JoeTheJet and/or other tools. However they do so at their own risk.
I also doubt that the sole intent of TSN was to act as another ploy to get people to spend their money. Is TSN displeased if people look at the ratings and that spurs them to spend more on teams. Of course not, it is a business, and TSNs first objective will always be to make a profit. However the Ratings System was designed by people like Bernie & Larry & Erik B., all of whome love Strat-O-Matic, and want to do their best to bring out a great product.
If the ratings system does cause some owners to spend more, then I say bully! The more that is spent, the more TSN sees SOM as a profitable product, and the more investment comes back our way with improved tools & support. Every extra team bought means leagues fill up faster & Bernie is more likely to be back the next year with new improvements to the game system.
However, I believe, in order to truly enjoy SOM and succeed at it, you need to be smarter than the 'average' person, and while I am sure some people would question the intelligence of some owners from time to time, I doubt many of us would disagree that the average SOM owner is smarter than the average person. Therefore SOM Owners are less likely to be 'duped' into buying more teams just so they can improve their ratings, even if that was the purpose of the Ratings System, which I doubt it is.
Could the rating systems be improved - I am sure that it could. Things can always be tweaked. But obviously the valuations will never appease every owner, just as we'll never have 100% consensus on who is the best player of all time.
However I do think they have merit as it, and need to reward higher team usage, because if you think about it in baseball terms, who is more worthy of being in the Hall of Fame?
A 1 year wonder who hit 40 HR and batted .340 and then never replicated that performance, or a guy who consistently hit 25-35 HR for 12-15 years and had a lifetime AVG of .300.
I doubt many people consider Roger Maris the best player of all time, even though he had one of the best statistical seasons of all time. I am sure though that most people would rank Henry Aaron as top 5.
So yes, I think an owner who played 400 teams and won 75 championships through 3-4 different SOM Products is a better owner than a guy who played 10 teams and won 3 championships. I think an owner who consistently succeeds on a regular basis, especially if they have a high # of teams going at any time, is more worthy of recognition than a guy who does great with 3-4 teams a year and is always at .560.
Do I think Frank Bailey is the best SOM owner of them all, simply because he has the highest rating? Of course not. But any ATG owner who has played for a while can confirm that Frank is one of the best owners there is, and his rating merely recognizes that.
Any owner that has a .543 % over 500 teams is worthy of being considered one of the best owners.
If you want to be one of the best owners, you need to prove it on a consistent basis over a long period of time, and no I do not think 2-3 teams a year cuts it, even if you won a championship 100% of the time.
If the Ratings system simply listed people from 1 to whatever, then they wouldnt be useful. But because you can break it down by season, by W/L, by Win %, by Playoff % and so forth, you have a tool that allows to know about different owners & how well they might be doing at any one time.
Thanks to the Ratings System I have come to realize that owners like Cummings2, Terry101 and Jerlins are noteworthy & very serious competition, and I can honestly admit, that without the Ratings System, because of my focus on my enjoyment of my teams & the forums, I would have taken them more for granted. But because I realized that these guys are skilled competitors and some of the best Owners at least in 2006, I am forewarned and this helps me to ensure that teams I have in leagues with them are more likely to be better competition and hopefully succeed, than they would have if I hadnt been aware, thanks to their 2006 rating.
Do I think I am the 43rd best owner, just because I am ranked 43?
Definitely not, but I do think I am a good owner, and the rating system gives people awareness of that fact. I definitely believe I am, and this is no ego at work, one of the 75 best owners in SOM, based on my continued success over the years & varied products I have played. I know I could be one of the 50 best if I really wanted to be, but since I really enjoy SOM, am somewhat addicted, and love trying different themes & crazy formats, the fact that I am ranked '43' simply shows that despite all this, and a lack of public autodraft play (maybe 8% of all my teams), should suggest that I am an owner that shouldnt be dismissed out of hand.
Is the Rating System perfect. No. Can it be improved. Yes. Is it useful as is, most definitely. And anyone who dismiss's it out of hand simply because they feel it is a marketing ploy, or simply rewards # of teams purchased is simply choosing to ignore a tool that could benefit them. That is their choice. :)