strato experts: Advanced Fielding Chart question

strato experts: Advanced Fielding Chart question

Postby Valen » Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:34 pm

Example refers to pitcher's fielding but principle of the question could refer to all positions.

On the Advanced Fielding Chart I have the E rating goes up to 38. Actually, that entry is labeled "38 or more". But some pitchers have e ratings that go higher. I have seen as high as 51. So the way I read the Advanced Fielding Chart whether the rating is 38 or 51 I get the reading from the same place. If I am going to go to the exact same place on the fielding chart to get the result what is the difference? Why give a player a rating higher than 38 if all the high end numbers come off that final square on the chart?

Is there some sort of super advanced rule for handling these higher error ratings? If so what is it? Is there a Super Advanced Fielding Chart and if so where can I see a copy of it?
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Postby Mean Dean » Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:44 pm

[quote:2269c70889]Is there a Super Advanced Fielding Chart[/quote:2269c70889]

[quote:2269c70889]and if so where can I see a copy of it?[/quote:2269c70889]
You buy it :P It costs [url=]$2.20[/url], or if you're an extravagant big spender, [url=]$4.75[/url] to get it on lovely, sturdy cardboard that will last you a lifetime, and is suitable for framing.

Unless you are in fact playing face-to-face, it shouldn't be necessary. If you just want to know the OPS equivalents of fielding ratings, that's [url=]here[/url]. Although it actually doesn't cover pitchers. But if you're factoring pitchers' fielding into your decisions, you're getting [i:2269c70889]really[/i:2269c70889] precise.
Mean Dean
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Postby Valen » Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:05 am

Thanks for the info Dean. Though I do not understand why the super advanced chart did not ship with my board game and I now have to purchase an additional product to see it. Though I realize you have nothing to do with that. :wink: Just venting a little.

Anyone know where one might be online just so I can see it. Of if it is theoretically somewhere on the cd I purchased what menus do I go through? I think it was either version 11 but might have been version 10. Not at home where I can verify.
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Postby Valen » Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:35 am

Wondering if there is anyone out there who might scan the superadvanced charts and email the files as an attachment. I no longer actually play the board game since I started playing online. But I would like to see the numbers behind the various ratings so I can evaluate for myself the relative value of various ratings. If so send me a PM.
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Postby Valen » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:27 am

I received the following response when I asked strat-o-matic about this:

[quote:3eb594a130]your chart is not incomplete. Some ratings are based on Super Advanced and not advanced, while others fall thru the holes in the table.

In the case of a rating that exceeds the max on the advanced chart you just read it as a 38. In the case of a rating that falls into a hole you would just use the next rating level on your chart. So an e-5 would read as a 6 on the chart


Is this true? Is an E51 pitcher exactly the same as an E38? For those who have a super advanced chart does the results for an E5 really look exactly like the reading for an E6?
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Postby Mean Dean » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:49 pm

No, I think they're saying that [i:f4a42e21b4]on the advanced chart[/i:f4a42e21b4], there are more gaps in the e-rating list, and has lower maximums than the super-advanced charts (so just round any number higher than that down.) The super-advanced chart has many fewer gaps (all up towards the maximums), and has higher maximums. I will confirm this when I get home to my charts ;)
Mean Dean
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