MM Team

MM Team

Postby RAULSILVA » Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:19 pm

Hi, i`ll like to hear opinions onm this team, please.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:28 pm

Very strong team. Three minor comments:

1- I would get rid of Micheals because he's not the best fit to your stadium, and also because you lose some of his value by playing him in rf. Either go with a right-handed with lots of BP homeruns OR with a left-handed/switch with no pop but some on-base.

2- I would get rid of Moyer and get another right-handed pitcher.

3- I would not keep Macias, because Hal will use him in the outfield too many times, and his defense there is terrible 4e25. Get a second base that can't play the of.
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Postby geekor » Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:37 pm

I beg to differ a bit with luckyman,

though I really like parts of your team, as a whole there seems to be some flaws.

a) where is the OBP? Who will lead off vs R (Freel is a good leadoff vs L). Who will bat 2nd? I guess Glaus could, but his ba is sooo low.

unfortunetly, berce is down at the moment, so I can't see your FA list or division foes. But to break it down, I actually have used Moyer many times, and like him. Though what I do is draft B Lawrence as a platoon mate. You'd be suprised, but Lawrence has out performed JJ for me every time in MM (though I like JJ as well).

Also, you have 1 LH hitter vs R. Your team as a whole is skewed towards hitting L. If any of your division foes have loaded up on a few of the hard righties, you could be in trouble. If they haven't, then you should be alright. Also in MM you usually face many more RH pitchers, and I'd rather have your team better vs R than L.

I think it's an ok team, but you probably won't be running away with the division
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Postby RAULSILVA » Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:57 pm

Tank`s, marcus: i will have not confortable with michaels either, so i change it for freel, not a great guy agaist RH but is fast and i think it will be on base some times.

Geekor: I`m not crazy about freel agaist rh but there`s not to much to chouse, I will be facing many RH pitchers and i try to gat some guys that bat well agaist lefties Thomas, Sexon, Fasano, Etc. But i try to get more RH players to get more use from the MM efect, I think the big problem is obp mybe some platoon in Rf coulkd help, but i`m not to familiarized with platoons. Any sugestion?
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Postby geekor » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:07 pm

roareef, since Berce is back up, you really need to get better vs RH pitching, as there isn't very much LH pitching that you will be facing.

I would personally try to get B Giles for RF and replace Lee with Gomes for LF. Giles followed by Gomes as your top 2 would give you a lot of OBP at the top of your lineup.

now here is my personal opinion, and is just formulated over my personal playing experience from how the cards have done for me. Smoltz and Street have NEVER performed for me. they always end up much much worse than their cards dictate. I don't know why, but they just don't do well for me. Personally, I would drop Smoltz for Webb and Street for Jones. Then Drop Fasano for Barajas, Sexson for Giles, Lee for Gomes then drop Freel for a cheap 1b under 3 mil (L Gonzales, Helms maybe). This is just my personal preference, and is only backed up my personal experience with those players. (though in reality I'm not fond of A Jones or Glaus really either. In relaity, I love would go for a lineup of Barajas, D Lee, Hudson, Tejeda, A Ram, Gomes, Damon, Giles. Then fix my pitching around that, but I like going cheap on Rp's. I also don't like Santana in MM, why let other teams Sh or platoons bat from the good side in your park?)

I'm just rambling my thought out, and gotta get back to work. It's important to do what feel comfortable to you, with a strategy you know how to work. What works for me, isn't necessarly what's best for the next guy. Just letting you know my opinion :P ;)
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Postby RAULSILVA » Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:11 pm

Thank`s man and to hear opinios is why i post here so the are all welcome. I was worried about the LH orientation of my team , and think you are rigth in some issues so i make some changes, i will keep Street i had him in some teams and have seen him in other doing realy good, i change JJ and get weeb I personaly like to have an solid SP staff, so i will keep Smoltz to. I get gomez (but now i`m worried about having 2 4`s in of) About C lee i think he is a solid batting a wort the money, giles is not available and i just feel he cost to much for wath i have sold hem do in other leagues plus he is LH (this are just newbe thougs).

Other thing is that even wen Fasano is mnore LH oriented has more BPHR`s than barajas in it`s Rigth side tan barajas do. The other change i made was !B drop Sexon for OBP

Any other opinion will be higly apretiated.


Raul Silva
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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