Full- for 07 live draft

Postby Terry101 » Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:26 pm

Three to draft
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:32 am

1.Terry101- NM
2. Tpassalac-NC
3. Smitty - NJ
4. Qksilver - CA
5. Damien-KS
6. Alex-IL
7. ldanred-NY
8. Little Killers-SC
9. Dalinoth - AZ
10. Detroit-Tigers - ON
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Postby qksilver69 » Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:41 pm

1.Terry101- NM
2. Tpassalac-NC
3. Smitty - NJ
4. Qksilver - CA
5. Damien-KS
6. Alex-IL
7. ldanred-NY
8. Little Killers-SC
9. Dalinoth - AZ
10. Detroit-Tigers - ON
11. Sandlot Shrink

Sandy is a likely yes, but just beware his job has him traveling often Tues-Sun, so we need to keep that in mind for draft time slots. On the bright side, sometimes he has a 2-3 hr chunk of time in the hotel on Sat nights...I have not heard from AFD yet...
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Postby Terry101 » Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:07 pm

Ok Good. We'll figure it out as soon as we get one more. Do you know the state for Sandlot?
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Postby qksilver69 » Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:37 am

He lives in TX, let's put him down for that...

1.Terry101- NM
2. Tpassalac-NC
3. Smitty - NJ
4. Qksilver - CA
5. Damien-KS
6. Alex-IL
7. ldanred-NY
8. Little Killers-SC
9. Dalinoth - AZ
10. Detroit-Tigers - ON
11. Sandlot Shrink - TX
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Postby AFDickie » Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:18 am

He lives in TX, let's put him down for that...

1.Terry101- NM
2. Tpassalac-NC
3. Smitty - NJ
4. Qksilver - CA
5. Damien-KS
6. Alex-IL
7. ldanred-NY
8. Little Killers-SC
9. Dalinoth - AZ
10. Detroit-Tigers - ON
11. Sandlot Shrink - TX
12. AF Dickie - GA
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Postby qksilver69 » Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:38 am

Nice, now we just need to find a good time to draft. I am ok early mornings PST (at least I can do it ONE morning) from 6-8am or so, or can do it later at night 9-11pm or so, which will be really late night for East Coasters.

Anyway, let's see what we can do....
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Postby Terry101 » Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:09 pm

Great . Here we go.

Lottery goes tonight. Highest to lowest. The rules are copied below.

The Bonus prize- here how it will work: I am sending my guess (the combined two salaries of Morneau and Howard) to qksilver now. He will hold my guess. Everyone else can pm me their combined salary guess- NO LATER THAN Sunday midnight EST. I will then post all 11 guesses and qksilver can add mine to the list. Prize is 1st waiver pick in addition to your other waiver pick.

We are going to try and reach a concensus on a good time to draft. But, there is no harm in [/b]beginning the draft as soon as possible on the Individual League Forum[b:a7ac59368b] while we agree on a time. So, beginning now we will use that forum.

I will put down the following possible times with a number by each one. When you check in put next to your name [b]all[/b:a7ac59368b] the numbers that would work for you - not just your preferred time. But remember WE WILL ONLY DRAFT AT ONE OF THOSE TIMES Even if you can only be on the live draft for an hour and a half- sign up anyway- an hour and a half is better than nothing and you could always give a few proxies. Based on some pm's late at night seems to work for some people


1. Sunday, Jan 7 9pm EST
2. Monday Jan 8 10pm EST
3. Tuesday Jan 9 6pm EST
4. Tuesday Jan 9 10 pm EST
5. Wednesday Jan.10 10 pm EST
6. Thursday Jan. 11 10 pm EST
7. Friday Jan. 12 10 pm EST
8. Saturday Jan.13 10 pm EST
9. Sunday Jan 14 9am EST

Like this:

Terry 101- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, That means I can make all nine slots.


1. Draft to be completed in one sitting, asap and before the rating disc comes out.
a. Lotto draft order-highest to lowest. Rounds 11 and 12 are double picks(in order to speed up the draft) Put your state when you sign up.

b. After signups and draft order is determined a time will be agreed on and a 2 and 1/2 hour block will be set aside to complete the whole draft. I will put three possible times and managers will state a yes or no to the slots, until all are agreed.

c. Your stadium pick will be at the same time as your 12th pick.

2. Bonus prize

The manager who comes the closest to guessing the combined 07 TSN salaries of the AL/NL MVP award winners ( Howard and Morneau) will get the 1st waiver pick- (in addition to wherever else they would be picking)- And, the guesses will be sent (all on the same day) to one of the Strat vets that-hopefully would read and post them for us.

Check the Individual League Forum
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Postby kukomon » Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:58 pm

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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:00 pm

I can make any of the 9 or 10pm times.
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