by geekor » Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:04 pm
if they are a R1/C6 you cna use them as setup too. I do this all the time with Wagner (the only R1 I really use) and he still has great stats.
Besides, you really want your best RP as setup, so they will get more innings.
Bleacher, f I had Ryan/Nathan, I would set Nathan to avoid before 8th, slow hook, then have him as setup vs righties and closer vs both. I would put Ryan as setup vs lefties, avoid before 6th. I may put him as closer vs lefties if I was facing a team with a lot of lefties (not S) hitters.
Shankly, I really don't prefer Kline, as a lefty that only gets lefties out your are paying way too much. If that's all you wanted why not get fuentes or fultz? You have to use him vs both for that much $$, so uncheck the avoid righties on him. Remember if you have Rivera set as closer only, he wont come in except in closing situations, i.e. 9th inning, with the lead, and less than 3 runs up. Pretty tight specifications. I would personally would put him as setup for both, slow hook, avoid before 8th. Then make sure you have a cheap pitcher (baez?) set as avoid before 9th, so if Rivera does tire there is a guy to back him up. Make sure the close rspots are blank, and let HAL handle it. Or, jst leave him as closer vs both and still avoid before 8th. Though he will only probably see 50-60 innings that way.