Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:48 am

Yall don't forget about the Jeepster coming to Phoenix in slightly more than 2 months. :D
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I wouldn't miss...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:10 am

Meeting the Jeepster for the world. :wink:
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:58 am

Rob, we run the marathon on Sunday. We still do carb-out on Friday and Saturday so pasta would be awesome!! :D

Tom, thanks for the warning. However, my wife is a marathon runner who knows kick-boxing very well and also plays hockey on a mens hockey team!! I encourage Rob to be flirty.......but at his own peril!!

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I'll remember to wear...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:47 pm

A cup and my hockey mask. I never know what kind of diets, food allergies or food no no's are. so if there is anything off your diets, let me know. I make all different kinds of salads, sauces, marinades etc.

It could be Prima Vera if you are vegetarians, my version of Alfredo - With pancetta, early peas, mushrooms and shrimp, or a seafood sauce, like paella - except with pasta instead of rice, or traditional Southern Italian meat sauce(Red) with home made meatballs, sausage and pork steak or linguini w/ white or red clam sauce etc. etc. infinity.

My wife and I have been doing the low carb thing lately to lose the Holiday weight, but I don't mind making an exception for Marathon Runners(Pasta is my favorite food anyway, cuz it's so versatile.)

BTW, my wife and I received a bottle of Coppola Zinfandel at Xmas and it was excellent. Never tried his winery before. Used to go to Napa every Fall when I lived in LA and get half cases of Pino Noir, Cabernet, Chards ad Brouilley to stock up for the winter. Our faves were Sterling, Pine Ridge, Clos du Val and V Satui. If money were no issue, I think I'd live in the Napa Valley or Tahoe. My 2 favorite places in the US.

Looking forward to having you and Diane over, Kev. My wife Pam is a great hostess - Chatty Gemini that she is - And just so Midwestern, cookie bakin', politically correct - Unlike her 5'6" Italian Pitbull from the East Coast. My personality is a little big. But I tend to be able to be on good behaviour until people get used to me. :lol:
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Postby HUDAMAN » Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:17 pm

Jeep, belatedly, glad all is okay with you. That was scary close. I had one rip the roof off a building across the street from me, but that was 25 years ago.

All this talk of midgets, cranes, ladders and kickboxing might make me steer clear of the greater Phoenix area... :wink: I've got a 3rd degree black belt, but I think it lost some of it's 'punch' when I turned 50. The whole thing sounds dangerous to me.

Looks like we're opting for Mexico for our vacation, but business has again pointed me in your direction, Rob (I'm doing lots of medical consulting, and am working with several people down there), so I plan on making it your way soon.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:49 pm

What's the status on the 12th team :?:
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Lee, you're one of the people...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:32 pm

I have been wanting to meet since we started this Private League for Buds way back when. Looking forward to getting together sometime in the near future. Just let me know beforehand and I'll send you my cell number...

Jeep, I will contact Ty and Alph 1 more time and then invite PBTR and see if he'd be interested in playing. If not, maybe Qksilver would like to get reaquainted. Anyway, the list of former Trashtalkers, Cool Strat Dudes, LOTO Players and GBBR pals is pretty long and I don't think it should be very hard to fill the last spot with one of them.

I have just been so busy the past few months, and haven't had a cell working until only a few days ago. But I will follow up on it the next 2 days.

Need a hot bath badly. More later. R
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BTW Lee...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:36 pm

One of the reasons I hjave been working so much is to payoff all of our interest bearing debt that accumulated the past 5 yrs since my daughter was born - So I can free up some time to use my creative mind and finally complete the prototype for a life saving medical devise I have invented and intend to market internationally the next year or so. We'll talk about it when you're here in PHX. R
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:44 am

Thanks Rob for the invitation! It all sounds so good already. Here are some particulars about us. We're not your typical couple. :wink:

*We are low-carbers as well except for carb-loading for races....Diane generally stays away from beef and pork but will make exceptions when as she says.....they're "yummy" like a Ruth Criss steak. However, make whatever you like....we're game for a home-cooked meal with wonderful people at all times.
*Diane grew up LDS and besides a teenage rebellious time, she doesn't drink at all anymore. I stopped drinking as well. It's more of a healty choice than anything. It's weird...but since I've stopped drinking, I notice more things....such as a beautiful sunrise, the chirping of birds on a crisp cool morning, and stoplights. 8)
*We're not allergic to anything that we know of.
*Lastly, even though Diane grew up a good LDS girl, she freaked out her family by marrying a Lutheran 10 years older than her! Me! :D She is a rebel in about every way. She is sweet and chatty but could literally take someone's head off in a milli-second if provoked! :? She is 5ft-10in and did some modeling a few years ago so she is self-confident.....but sweetly humble.
***Don't let her know that you know that she is a Mormon....that is the only topic she gets very sensitive about....though she doesn't go to an LDS church anymore.

And me......I'm just an easy-going SOM player originally from Wisconsin fiercely loyal to my friends and family. I was a Chiefs fan up until this past Saturday afternoon! :evil:

Anyway, I will give you a call later this week.

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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:07 am

My wife's sister married a Mormon, converted, joined their 2 families and now have 11 kids. Maybe I'll make the Alfredo, which would be Pam's 1st choice...Probably make a spinach salad with red onion, mushrooms, walnuts and bacon bits to go with it.

This way, except for a few tiny pcs of bacon, ther won't be any pork or red meat - just shrimp and lots of carbs in the Fettuccine. We'll probably have Chardonnay to go with it, but either Water, Powerade or if you prefer - soda(Which we stay away from) or juice.

Mostly just looking forward to the good company. I have been expressing my wild side a little bit lately, so I won't be like a cat just let out of the bag and on good behaviour. So no midgets(Altho they'll be disappointed), cranes, ladders, women's clothing(At least not for me - I'll save those for when Chuck comes out). Just a nice Dinner and probably lots of sports talk.

I was in a rough stripclub in Yuma the other day after I returned from Mexico on a meds run and this Big Biker guy(Early 50's like me - But he looked much older) at the bar had his GF's bra on over his sweatshirt - He looked at me and said "You get more perverted as you get older." Just so he knew I understood, I told him "Womens lingerie feels a lot better if you wear them under your clothes instead of on the outside."

Then I winked as it appeared a little litebulb went off in his head. Then he thanked me and bought me a beer. After that, I felt safer in there by myself.

Everyone else - I sent league mails to Alphonso and Tyber. If I don't hear back by Tuesday Nite, I will invite PBTR or Riggodrill to join us. Gotta' go. More tonite. R

BTW Kev, What's a "Typical" couple these days? :lol:
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