2007 pre-card live draft

Postby cirills » Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:45 pm

1. AIM is Free

2. It is faster because on the threads here you will have to refresh constantly to know when picks have been made. On AIM you will see the picks instantaneously.

3. It can be downloaded @ [b:36fe6e262d][url]http://www.aim.com/[/url][/b:36fe6e262d]If you don't already have an AOL User Name you will have to create one - That is free TOO! ;)

4. AIM will be easy to use. Once you download it you will open it and let us know the User name you choose. We will take care of the rest! :D

5. If Cubey is unavailable then I am sure that Chuck (Cummings2) would be interested. I know that Smokey wanted to do one as well.
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Postby Cubit » Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:06 pm

I'm In! I was devoting all my computer time today to following Steve Jobs and the MacWorld keynote in San Francisco. As a Mac guy, I'm a happy fellow. Maybe I will get a cell phone this June when the iPhone is released.


Thanks Qk and sandy for holding open this spot.

Please send me any details you think I need to know, or post a recap here.
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Postby cirills » Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:29 pm

[b:7d8dcc76ab]There is a Bonus prize - Here's how it will work: Guesswhat the combined two salaries of Morneau and Howard will be in the TSN Card Set. Prize is 1st waiver pick in addition to your other waiver pick. [/b:7d8dcc76ab]

The only time that everyone can do a live draft is [b:7d8dcc76ab]Wednesday 10pm EST [/b:7d8dcc76ab](so therefore the Draft is [b:7d8dcc76ab]Tomorrow Night[/b:7d8dcc76ab]).

We are looking at using AIM ([b:7d8dcc76ab]A[/b:7d8dcc76ab]ol [b:7d8dcc76ab]I[/b:7d8dcc76ab]nstant [b:7d8dcc76ab]M[/b:7d8dcc76ab]essenger) as the means of which to conduct the draft.

For info on setting that up if you don't have it see my previous post prior to this one.

PS Go ahead and make your first pick HERE below:

1. Qksilver - Beltran
2. Sandlot Shrink - Pujols
3. Damien - R. Howard
[b:7d8dcc76ab]4. Cubit -[/b:7d8dcc76ab]
5. Alex-
6. Idanred-
7. AF Dickie-
8. Smitty-
9. Terry101-
10 Dalinoth-
12 Detroit Tigers-

League will have a DH as well as an Unlimited Salary Cap (ie; 200 Million Dollar Salary Base).
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Postby kukomon » Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:44 pm

ok my aim sn is tpassalac
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:08 pm

Mine is drakemcmaster

qksilver has my home number if any problems.
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mine is ldanred

Postby dlarkins » Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:52 pm

my aim is ldanred
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Postby blsmith7 » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:15 pm

I signed on to AIM and my name is blsmitty7. So, I guess I'm ready to go.

Does Cubit know he can pick at any time?

I will PM my cell # to Terry.
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Postby Terry101 » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:18 pm


You made it after all. You can catch up on the rules on the online forum. Pm me your guess-then we will post all the guesses as soon as yours is in.
Also, you are up on the boards to draft. Rules:


1. Draft to be completed in one sitting, asap and before the rating disc comes out.
a. Lotto draft order-highest to lowest. Rounds 11 and 12 are double picks(in order to speed up the draft) Put your state when you sign up.

b. After signups and draft order is determined a time will be agreed on and a 2 and 1/2 hour block will be set aside to complete the whole draft. I will put three possible times and managers will state a yes or no to the slots, until all are agreed.

c. Your stadium pick will be at the same time as your 12th pick.

2. Bonus prize

The manager who comes the closest to guessing the combined 07 TSN salaries of the AL/NL MVP award winners ( Howard and Morneau) will get the 1st waiver pick- (in addition to wherever else they would be picking)- And, the guesses will be sent (all on the same day) to one of the Strat vets that-hopefully would read and post them for us.
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Postby tubbs310 » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:48 pm

tubbs310 is my aim
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Postby tubbs310 » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:51 pm

ya cubit u can pick anytime lol im gettin antsy
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