Important Managerial Ratings headsup

Postby cirills » Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:07 am

[quote:fb45f12093]You must be pretty busy then because it only took me 20min to write.[/quote:fb45f12093]
If I only HAD a spare 20 min. That would be swell. :wink:

Meanwhile, it sounds like Fatty has an axe to grind. :roll:
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:36 am

Not really grinding an axe, more goofing around.
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BCS Style?? We all love that right?

Postby AFDickie » Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:39 am

Maybe our ratings should be based on who plays in the league-strength of schedule type stuff. Then a Strat team like Rutgers could rise up quicker! Or we could be like the carnival rides-you must be this tall or have this many points to play in this league. :D
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Postby cummings2 » Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:46 am

Bernie's Blog directed me to this thread.

Nice read.

Thanks for the kind words AT and Sandy.

Without any false sense of modesty and with an inherent sense of pride I admit that I am very much the student in SOM-OL grounds, you guys are the grads and mentors.

-For what it's worth I jotted down off the top of my head names of managers that I think are waaaaay better than me in this set and [u:70ab754433]certainly[/u:70ab754433] in strat in general... I've stopped at 28 because I started getting depressed especially when I realize that I'm not even halfway done

For what its worth, the list so far includes:

wcaplan, Jerlins, JDEarly, Cristiano, BigMahon, QkSilver, SandlotShrink, Stoney18, Joethejet, PBTR, stevep, Geekor, DeanTSC, Marcus Wilby, Maligned, Riggo, Jeepdriver, AT, AP, Robvoz, edge, fatty, AFDickie, LMBombers, CharlieM2, kaviksdad, mcsoupy, coffeholic...

If you're not on the list, don't worry: I'll get to you pretty soon.

IMHO, the most wicked good of all SOMers I've played this year: wcaplan.

No offense to anyone but he's [i:70ab754433]that [/i:70ab754433]good.

What's the best thing about being ranked #1 for the 06 game? -It gives me a brand new pickup line to try at my local pub. However, with my luck it'll go something like this:

C2 -Spotting two gorgeous femme fatales, one redhead (freckled -just the way I like 'em) and one Bond-Girl type-a-brunette:

C2: Hey know...I'm currently #1 in the SOM-OL '06 "experience" rankings.

The Ladies: ...Yeah? :roll:

C2: Yep, I'm aaah... say, 4 spots ahead of Jeepdriver.

The Ladies: Ooooooooh Jeeeeeep-Driiiiiiiver???? He's so dreamy, you think you can get me his autograph?

...rejected C2 heads back to his stool and jot down the next team especially designed to beat jeepdriver
:evil: :evil: Oooooooh that naughty Jeepdriver...I can never beat him to the last punch :wink:
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:34 pm

I have found this post very interesting.

I personally really like the ratings system. It gives me something to strive to achieve. A goal if you will. I was excited to break into the to the top 100 for '06. That was pretty cool to me considering that this was the 1st full year that I have played. I also began to notice players that were consistently beating me were normally in the top 50, top 25, top 10. This made me want to get more competitive and play more teams. Always liked having a carrot dangled just to get me to keep striving for more.

There are still quite a few players that I haven't played against, but I am finding more and more that I have come across one way or another.

I started playing in themed leagues this past summer (always was afraid I was waaaaaaay out classed to even try them). I found out that while I wasn't completely outclassed, I still had much to learn and through the leagues, boards and PM's, I have been able to learn and improve with each team.

I even ran a couple of themed leagues on both '06 and ATGIII and while I didn't win any, I hung in there.

The ratings are giving me a barometer on where I stand vs. some of the players that I come across either on the boards or in game play. I have made a multitude of new friends and even come across a few I would choose not to play with again.

I, as Array, look not only at the # of teams a player has, but the number of Playoff teams, Win Pct., and Championships.

I am happy with '06 because I have won over 100 games more than I have lost .517, I have 10 playoff trips and 1 Ring.

I think I am just a couple more trips to the playoffs away from breaking the top 50 ('06), that will be my ultimate goal for '06.

I would be satisfied with this for '06, but it will be a measuring tool for me in '07. I will want to be better, more competitive and take a shot at maybe playing in the Tour. I still think that is above my current skill level, but you can't get better if you don't constantly strive to beat those that are better than you.

Isn't that what baseball, sports and life is all about. Striving to be better than you were the day before. The ultimate search for improvement. This is something that can be measured in different ways for different people, but for me and Strato, that means beating the Geekors, C2's, Durantjerry's, Doc Tax's, LMBombers, Bigmahon's, Ehlekev's, Array's , the Socalchiro's, and the FrankM's.

So I cheer the ratings so I can see who is on the ladder above me, so I can have something to strive to achieve.

PS. I also wish Semi's were 7 games as well considering I have now lost 9 times out of 10 in Semi's, the only time I made finals I won. That is depressing, but obviously something to improve upon.
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Postby wavygravy2k » Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:20 pm

So, the ratings are based on experience. How about base it on number of years played instead of number of games played. I can't afford to buy 20-30 teams a year.
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