by cummings2 » Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:46 am
Bernie's Blog directed me to this thread.
Nice read.
Thanks for the kind words AT and Sandy.
Without any false sense of modesty and with an inherent sense of pride I admit that I am very much the student in SOM-OL grounds, you guys are the grads and mentors.
-For what it's worth I jotted down off the top of my head names of managers that I think are waaaaay better than me in this set and [u:70ab754433]certainly[/u:70ab754433] in strat in general... I've stopped at 28 because I started getting depressed especially when I realize that I'm not even halfway done
For what its worth, the list so far includes:
wcaplan, Jerlins, JDEarly, Cristiano, BigMahon, QkSilver, SandlotShrink, Stoney18, Joethejet, PBTR, stevep, Geekor, DeanTSC, Marcus Wilby, Maligned, Riggo, Jeepdriver, AT, AP, Robvoz, edge, fatty, AFDickie, LMBombers, CharlieM2, kaviksdad, mcsoupy, coffeholic...
If you're not on the list, don't worry: I'll get to you pretty soon.
IMHO, the most wicked good of all SOMers I've played this year: wcaplan.
No offense to anyone but he's [i:70ab754433]that [/i:70ab754433]good.
What's the best thing about being ranked #1 for the 06 game? -It gives me a brand new pickup line to try at my local pub. However, with my luck it'll go something like this:
C2 -Spotting two gorgeous femme fatales, one redhead (freckled -just the way I like 'em) and one Bond-Girl type-a-brunette:
C2: Hey know...I'm currently #1 in the SOM-OL '06 "experience" rankings.
The Ladies: ...Yeah? :roll:
C2: Yep, I'm aaah... say, 4 spots ahead of Jeepdriver.
The Ladies: Ooooooooh Jeeeeeep-Driiiiiiiver???? He's so dreamy, you think you can get me his autograph?
...rejected C2 heads back to his stool and jot down the next team especially designed to beat jeepdriver
:evil: :evil: Oooooooh that naughty Jeepdriver...I can never beat him to the last punch :wink: