Things I wish Strato would implement.

Things I wish Strato would implement.

Postby WGullett » Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:26 am

1. more detailed comments on the game rundown- we draft these players for defensive reasons as well as offense. The play by play recap shows no defensive assists. If Clemente throws out a guy trying to stretch a single into a double or guns a guy at 3rd where does it say this in the recap? Not enough info on play by play. Other sites are more detailed(and less $)

2. Other sites(SIM) have live simulations, why cant this one? Other less 'reknown' sites have this. Sporting News strato is supposed to be the "best" yet doesnt have the technology to have this? Is this the 80's?

I like this site but I feel that just bringing it to the internet isnt enough. Why these other sites offer more I dont know but as they progress the Sporting News is okay with no additions to the game. I guess TSN is satisfied with just offering the minimum. Hopefully one day we will get more than the minimum. Well, until that day comes I will just have to do what I can with what we are offered.
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:49 am

There have been many improvements to the game since I started playing the 2001 game. There have also been many new games introduced(ATG II, ATG III, 80's, 1969, 70's) as well as the current seasons cards. This may slow down the improvementsyou are looking for, as they have a lot of ground to cover and all the improvements you see in 2006 or the new 70's game have not yet made their way into all the other games.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:38 pm

Gullett, I get what you are saying, but a lot of SOM guys still think we are playing the best game when it comes to statistical realism. Of course, having guys like Pete Alexander face Mark McGuire in the ATG game skews the stats.....but....the purists believe that if you play with a particular year's set in Strato, the results can often times be amazing.

My one suggestion, which I don't know if other guys would agree, would to give us an option to play 1 game per day. Yes, a season would take 5+ months....but who cares. Each day you can make adjustments like the big league coaches would. More control over our teams (more individual settings, 1 game per day, etc.) is what I think most of the guys on this site would want.

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Postby LA Bear » Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:49 pm

WG: What other sites are you talking about? Maybe I should check them out?
LA Bear
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Postby keyzick » Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:13 pm

I would suggest (and I've read it before) the ability to view the game's "dice rolls" associated with each batting result. I wouldn't recommend it in leagues like 70's or 80's though, since it would completely take all the fun out of the "mystery card" format.

It would be interesting to identify how much of a hitter/pitcher's stats are being affected by the ballpark, etc..
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:56 pm

They did add the Home/Away stats for the players. That was a good edition along with the left/right stat split. I just hope that Strato keeps going with more stat categories. There are still plenty of opportunities to enhance this game.

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Left/Righty stat split

Postby keyzick » Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:29 pm

One seemingly easy addition would be to the beta of the Lefty/Righty lineups editing.

It currently shows actual and fantasy stats, BUT they are overall stats. It would be great to see it broken down by:

Act vs Lefty, Sim vs Lefty
Act vs Right, Sim vs Righty

Since the "Sim vs R/L" is already viewable in the roster view, I'd think it wouldn't be too difficult to translate that to the lineup editing screens.
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