Huh? (Rules Question)

Huh? (Rules Question)

Postby fredpaii » Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:03 pm

[quote:fad958262d]> -- Ballpark singles rating. An additional roll determines whether there is a single or a lineout. The probability varies by ballpark and whether the hitter is lefthanded or righthanded. The original result listed is ignored -- in effect, the result will be determined by "rolling against" the ballpark's singles rating (a random number from 1-20). If the number rolled is equal to or [i:fad958262d]higher than the ballpark's rating for a left- or righthanded hitter, it is a single. [/i:fad958262d][/quote:fad958262d]

I'm new to this game and I've gone over and over that italicized portion of the rules (direct and pasted quote from SOM pitching card rules) and still can't make sense of it. It seems like they're stating that whatever number listed second (i.e.-1-[b:fad958262d]15[/b:fad958262d] and higher (16-20) is where the single occurs. Am I not reading that correctly? I thought the 1-[b:fad958262d]15[/b:fad958262d] simply meant the universe of numbers that provide a single on a given roll. What's goin on?
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Postby Jerlins » Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:31 pm

You are playing at Petco, which is a 1/1 1/1. If the dice roll lands on a >, there is a second roll to determine if its a hit or an out. In this case, being in Petco, only a roll of one will be a single, 2 to 20 is an out. # is a homerun, and again, in Petco, only a roll of 1 is a home run, 2 to 20 is an out. Some of the sluggers lose a lot of their value in Petco. Guys like Glaus, Konerko, Dunn, Sexson, have value with their natural home runs, but are basically automatic outs when the rolls fall on these numbers. These guys shine at the Cell, Coors, etc.
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Postby Mean Dean » Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:23 am

Or in other words, there's a typo in the rules 8)
Mean Dean
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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