Stratomatic's Clutch Rating

Stratomatic's Clutch Rating

Postby visick » Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:32 pm

I recently e-mailed Strat, with questions regarding their clutch rating.

Checking the #'s out on, there are many players who hit well over their normal BA with RISP AND after the 7th. inning.

I reminded them of the definition of clutch:
$ -- Clutch hitting symbol. If there are two outs and a runner is in scoring position, the symbol is reversed. A hit reading would become a popout and an out reading would become a single **.

Their response:
"yes, that is the definition of the rule but to develop the SOM Clutch rating we use a complex formula (unfortunately it is not available to the public) that incorpates a number of factors beyond just the raw CLAVG (clutch batting average with runners in scoring position and 2 outs)".

Huh? WTF?

Big deal? Don't worry about it right? Maybe...

I don't think so. :roll: :roll: :roll:


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Postby qksilver69 » Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:40 pm

There have been posts about this ad infinitum, both here & on SOM-related sites. SOM clutch has NOTHING ZERO NADA to do with the widespread definition of clutch which is the real-life BA of the player with RISP & 2 out.

SOM's clutch is purely an [b:646b5cdaf0]RBI adjuster[/b:646b5cdaf0], designed so that the season RBI totals for a player closely correspond to their real-life performance. It is SOM's way of ensuring their sims are accurate.

So what you'll see happen is that singles hitters with high RBI totals will get outrageous + clutch numbers because they don't have enough SLG to drive in that many runs without the extra clutch.

Making sense so far? So when huge power hitters with league-leading RBI totals have negative clutch, it's because they drive in so many runs with the natural XBH on the card that SOM has to give them negative clutch to keep their RBI within range of the real-life performance.

SOM doesn't really like to broadcast this fact because it is one of the few stats that does not really correspond to real-life *situational* performance.
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Postby visick » Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:21 pm

How does that explain Ortiz with last season's cards?


With Ibanez, Andruw Jones and Berkman (all + clutch, high RBI) with the new cards?
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Postby qksilver69 » Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:42 pm

They must have enough RBI so that when SOM does the initial sims, they need to add a couple of points of clutch to the card to make them accurate over the season. But for instance, a guy like Hafner, who had 117 RBI in just 129 gms, has neg. clutch & so does Pujols with 137 RBI in 143 gms...

Ibanez, for instance, definitely does not have enough XBH/AB to get to 123 RBI without some clutch adjustment. Same for A Jones & Berkman - very high HR numbers but XBH/AB not as high as Pujols/Hafner given their high RBI totals.
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Postby the splinter » Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:29 pm

[quote:c47b61024f]SOM doesn't really like to broadcast this fact because it is one of the few stats that does not really correspond to real-life *situational* performance.[/quote:c47b61024f]

So basically they got to fake it to make it real?
the splinter
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:53 pm

And I always thought that SOM was a game based on PROBABILITY. You have your highs and lows, but in the end everything evens out. Am I missing something? :?
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Postby Terry101 » Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:28 pm

The adjustments make the game more real not less. The clutch adjustments make the RBIs more in line with the years actual stats. Faking it would be allowing the rbi totals in the sim game to be off from the actual totals.
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Postby Page2 » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:13 pm

I say get rid of it I don't like it at all.

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Postby qksilver69 » Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:06 am

Yes Splinter, that's what it comes down to. Apparently they can do excellent sims with all the other stats just based on real-life stuff, but the season RBI totals need a "fudge factor".

And even though that fact disappoints me, I do agree with Terry that it's necessary to keep the sim game more realistic.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:12 am

The clutch rating makes the game more realistic AS LONG AS YOU PLAY THE GAME WITH 30 TEAMS, but NOT when it is played with 12 teams.

In other words, they add clutch on AJones's card because it adjusts nicely the rbi production of AJones when he is simmed with the Braves roster, with Furcal and Chipper hitting in front of him.

The clutch, however, doesn't add any realitistic component of AJones when playing in a 12 team league like ours.
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