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BFD/Breakers Complete Trade

Postby YountFan » Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:52 am

Amazing (YF) - The Amazing BFD's and the Bay State "BREAKERS" have comleted the Molitor/Rice deal when the BFDs sent Crim to the "BREAKERS"

IMB, owner/manager and lockerroom boy of the "BREAKERS" said "Crim & Parrett are a bit of a coin toss. I actually kind of like the reverse
righty qualities of many of Parrett's cards. Crim tends to have less power and maybe one extra usable year. Here's to a great season."

YountFan said "This deal has been in the works for over a year now and these palters play to our ballpark's strengths. I'm glad I could work it out with IMB. He's wishing Molly the best and wecome Mr Rice...Riverfront is waiting for you."
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Postby seanreflex » Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:14 am

BOSTON (UPI) - In a very risky attempt to keep pace with the wheeling and dealing of the BFD's in the Eastern Division, the Mango Men today made some major roster moves. Rick Sutcliffe was told to grow his beard and prepare for the broadcast booth. Rob Wilfong, Milt May and Glenn Braggs were released outright.

The Mango Men brought in Mohorcic to bolster a strong bullpen. The "rotation by committee" will be anchored by Candelaria and Boyd, with Clancy, Ruhle, McWilliams, and Darwin to provide support. John Henry Johnson was also re-signed, after inadvertently being left off the teams 1982 draft card (ala Carlton Fisk's offer not postmarked in time sending him to Chicago a few years earlier).

The Mango Men signed Mookie Wilson to provide speed and defense in left field against RHP. The Mango Men also signed Fenway Favorite Don "can you come a little closer please, mr. secondbaseman so you can catch my whimpy cutoff throw" Baylor, to provide some power and spark against both righties and lefties. Baylor will go for the all-time HBP record this season.

As insurance, the Mango Men also picked up Willie Upshaw to crush RHP.

When asked about the frenzy of activity, Sean "Theo" Martin, responded, "do you have any idea what it takes to compete in this league? If you sit still with sharks like Mav, IMB, Yount Fan, BC, Sykes, Penn, and all the other NASTY individuals in this league, you get crushed. We want to repeat as champions, and that ain't gonna happen by standing pat!" Did we win in the future by standing pat with Garciaparra? EXACTLY my point!"

It will be interesting indeed to watch the race unfold in the east. Stay tuned.
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Postby albert2b » Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:55 am

[quote:9ba9147124]Rob Wilfong.....were released outright.

It's about time one of you guys dropped a submillion dollar 2 at 2B. Sheesh. I've been waiting since Thursday for that :roll:

Thought for a while I might have to go into the year with Wally Backman as my best middle IF defender.
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Postby BC Manager » Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:47 pm


It's about time one of you guys dropped a submillion dollar 2 at 2B. [/quote:1b8917a453]

Sorry Albert, I've been hording Ripken and Oester. I actually had Ripken, Oester, Wifong and Cruz on my autodraft list, just to make sure I got a 2.

I wonder how long Kingman will sit on the waiver wire.
BC Manager
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Postby Sykes25 » Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:52 pm

Kingman and Sutcliffe don't last long when I actually check the waiver wire. :twisted:
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Postby seanreflex » Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:46 pm

Has anyone in the Decade league ever had a team where Sutcliffe has performed well for them? I don't think I've ever seen a league where he has been a solid starter.

I've had him on several different occasions, and he's never performed for me.
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Postby Sykes25 » Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:19 pm

I've had him kick tail twice.

20 game winner in 1981 and 1982 of this theme.
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Postby seanreflex » Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:36 pm


I didn't realize he was so solid for you ... he must be one of those guys like Krukow or Bo Jackson, that performs ONLY for YOU !!!

Those two 20 win seasons in 81 and 82 didn't have any big bats out there -- he couldn't possibly do it again, could he ???

I'm sure, since I dropped him, he will win 20 YET AGAIN for you.

Good luck,
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Postby albert2b » Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:44 pm

[quote:86173769ed]Bo Jackson, that performs ONLY for YOU !!!

You're kidding, right? Bo at the Murph is golden every time! Just like pizza and sex....even when it ain't good, it's still not bad :lol: :P
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Postby albert2b » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:09 pm

On the eve of opening day, Mav and I finalized a deal that sent fan favorite and original Fatboy George Henderick and Rob Wilfong to Stealing Home in return for unwanted and underappreciated Bobby Grich.

My reason for doing the deal? I was too chicken to play a pair of 3's up the middle for the entire season...which is what Smalley and Sax/Backman would've done. Now I have at least one 2 out there and I didn't lose too much offense trading Grich for Henderick.

Hopefully, the rest of my weak lineup will pick it up a little with the loss of Henderick.

It could be a long year :(
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